Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Throwing the Babies Outta The Car

It is not that HarleyDad is a bad dad. No, he is one of the worst dads of all times as his children will attest.

This is illustrated by the following tale. Many moons ago Harley Dad lived in Big City, Tejas. One day the ImpQueen, who in those days was a small Imp, was in the car in the backseat. As HarleyDad went around a corner, the Imp Princess actually fell out of the car when the back door was open to the great horror of HarleyDad and Brokerbelle. HarleyDad was actually going so slow at the time the the Imp Princess was not hurt and did not even cry. No damage done except that HarleyDad and Brokerbelle aged immediately 5 years and got a patch of gray pre-mature hairs.

In those days the Imp Princess still went to Day Care. One day Brokerbelle and HarleyDad go to pick up the Imp Princess and it is evident that all the day care workers are staring at HarleyDad. After making some inquiries, here is the account of what happened according to the Imp Princess and why they are staring at HarleyDad. According to the story told by the Imp Princess to the day care workers, HarleyDad had gotten mad and had thrown the Imp Princess out of the car.

It seems that our gifted Imp Princess had quite an imagination.

The Imp Princess would go on to develop her dramatic flair in the future. The Imp Princess was very intelligent and was reading fluently (or voraciously) by the time she was four. The Grand Patriarch did not really believe that she could do this and that she had her books memorized so he he challenged her to read from the Newspaper-which I must say to all of our amazement she actually did.

Well the Imp Princess went on to impress all those about her. One time later in the midst of a water baptism in a Baptist church, the baby Imp Princess says in a voice so loud that EVERYBODY in the church hears her: "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME UP THERE." It is the only time in HarleyDad's long history that he every heard an entire church break into gales of laughter right in the middle of a baptism. Yeah, the Imp Princess had them rolling in the aisles-and that I presume is why call them "Holy Rollers."

Due to the ability of the Imp Princess to read, she was asked to read the Christmas Story in the Christmas Pageant for our Big City church. In the dress rehersal, the Imp Princess looks up from the microphone and asks the Virgin Mary: "Mary, how did you get pregnant, Mary?" Well suffice it to say, the Baptist leaders were NOT enthusiastic about discussing the nuances of the incarnation in the midst of the childrens' Christmas Pageant. After that the pageant was acted out without speaking roles from any of the children, especially the Imp Princess. Obviously they did not see the Imp Princess as being analogous to the young Jesus in the temple amazing the learned doctors of the law with his learning and theological questions.

Over time, the dramatic flair of the Imp Princess would age like a fine wine until she went on to Morph into the Imp Queen and World Monarch. Eventually she would go on to become known for her fiendish wit-which hid beneath her brown, blond, reddish or purple hair. For pictures of the Imp Queen go to her
blog. Don't stay there however, you might get radiation poisoning. I like the picture of her in the fur where she says she really does have clothes on.

One day the Imp Queen was accepted into to Mensa. Now Mensa is for high IQ people. I presume that Imp Queen's acceptance into that organization is why you do not hear much about that organization any more. They probably have been looking for a way to throw her out ( after all the Imp Princess was used to being thrown out of things anyway, especially automobiles). Until they come up with a method for disqualifying her, I think we will not hear much more from this organization. She would go on to become the poster child for the "United Negro Fund" despite protestations from HarleyDad that she did not qualify.

She obviously got her brains from her mother Brokerbelle. HarleyDad could not make it into Mensa on his best day-but they did base the Scare Crow on him from the Wizard of Oz. "If only I had a brain." HarleyDad had to get by on his "Good Looks" as evidence by comments such as "You look like a dock worker." Yeah, what is wrong with that!

I always suspected that the movie Legally Blond was really based upon the Imp Queen. For my purpose, I think if you amalgamated Legally Blond with Men in Black, then you have two movies that basically portray the innate nature of the Imp Princess. And that, boys and girls, is why the Imp Queen likes pugs so much. Oh, I hate those dogs!!!!!

The Imp Queen was not really born at all, but like Athena she sprung fully born at least in wit from the very brow of Zeus. You could see her intelligence from birth. She had those bright shining eyes that took in everything. After we had the Imp Princess, I finally learned why Athena in Greek literature was named "Athena Bright Eyes." It was because of that high intelligence. The Imp Queen had bright eyes.

I made sure that the first music that the baby Imp Princess ever heard was Bach. It was the Toccata and Fugue in D. What a laugh! It became evidently later that some evil fiend must have snook in some U-2 while she was in the hospital. She is now old enough that I now begin the fires in my fire place with the Montessori books we bought to help us raise her. And learned smoke it is too!

She became an amalgam of a Valley Girl and Mother Teresa. What more can I say. Well, there is more-but I will not say it. All this intelligence, she hid under that wild unruly hair that she talks about in her blog. But underneath it all she is not just another pretty face. There was an intelligent woman with a wit that was as wild and as outrageous as her hair. Yeah, Lucille Ball was just another red head with a pretty face too.

Inside her, sometimes deep inside her hiding , is a very beautiful, highly compassionate person that uses her red hair and her keen wit to develop a plethora of disquises that she trots out for the general public so that the gentle, kind, and compassionate person that she is will not have to make a public appearance lest she be hurt further by life.

Our stories and imaginations some times present more characters than one would find in a medieval passion play. We are creative. We invent. We imagine and we dream. We fabricate dream houses using the tools born to us and the materials that we have available.

I have learned late in life that just because something is hidden it is not necessarily bad.

Our imaginations clothe us with costumes for the passion play that we call life. So I dedicate this blog to those people with wonderful imaginations. Our imaginations add the sparkle and wonder to reality. Our imagination is the bouquet to the very wine of life.

And the Imp Queen brings plenty of sparkle and bouquet to those about her.

After all, what father could not be proud that his daughter could ascend to the title of Her Royal Highness-Imperial World Monarch.

Now Imp Queen after having said all these nice things about you (well, mostly nice) how about some blog improvements like giving me another 25 or so past blogs so my crazed audience can find the lies I have told about them.



impletqueen said...

That's what archives are for, silly.

Oh, and I have crossposted this entire post to my blog. Welcome to guest blogging!

Harley Dad said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just don't want to do the work. My blessed readers, for they are few, should be able to find my lies about them without at lease for the last month. And the casual reader may see something that attracks his or her fancy more than December 2004. So there!

More about hi-jacking and copyright violations later. HarleyDAd