Thursday, January 06, 2005

Pet Pevees-Driving

Brokerbelle's Top 10 Pet Peeves Regarding the Driving of HD

1. Putting on the seat belt while the car is moving (HarleyDad is not one to waste time.)
2. Driving too close to the center line (as in driving a motorbike)
3. Refusing to slow down on curves (HarleyDad never slows. That would be reflection on his manhood.)
4. Driving while playing string music on the CD/Radio (It is worse, if I try to play the string music myself on a violin while I am driving, so I do not understand this complaint.)
5. Running the wipers when the rain has stopped (Who knows, that rain may start again says HarleyDad)
6. Running the wipers too fast. (Why else would they make them go that fast. It is like climbing Mt. Everest, I run them fast because they were made to go fast.)
7. Driving while too sleepy. (You snooze, you lose.)
8. Turning around to talk with the people in the backseat while I am driving. (Well, you should give people your undivided attention, says HarleyDad.)
9. Singing while I am driving. (Now who could complain about the joie de vivre and the Spring-time flowers-have we no romance in our souls?)
10.Driving with one Hand. (Every teenage boy becomes adept at driving with his left hand.)

Bonus Complaint.

Driving in stacatto fashion. Speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down.

Well, it is time for HarleyDad to respond publicly to these complaints not only made from time to time by Brokerbelle, but also by Princessbelle, the Matriarch, and every other person that HarleyDad has ever ridden with.

No more Mr. Nice Driver! You are all, I repeat all, banished from the Harley! You will never ride behind me. When I go out on my Harley, I will always go out without passengers, complainers and other hangers-on. Kaput! Finished-no more complaints! So cry your eyes out!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey the Patriarch could have written this. Could be it is genetic!! Passed on from father to son.