Friday, January 28, 2005

Ice, Fish-tailing and Car Spins

It is winter here in Ozarklandia. The forecast is for an icy mix.

Driving on ice is always dangerous. It is even more dangerous when you live in a southern climate and ice is unusual. When Brokerbelle and HarleyDad lived in Big D in the Great State of Tejas and there was an ice storm-then watch out.

One thing about cars is that they can be very dangerous when ice is on the roads or when it is raining or when you hit an oil slick.

It is suggested that motorbike riders not ride within the first thirty minutes after it rains. This is due to the fact that the rain mixes with the oil and makes the surfaces slick. Later hard rains will wash off the oils.

Once HarleyDad was driving his Spitfire down the expressway going from Red Stick to the City that Care Forgot. I hit an oil patch and went into a spin. I was driving at night and remember the lack of control and seeing the headlights that had been behind me in the distance now facing me. I also remember thinking to myself this thought: "You are a dead man."

The car then rotated again so that I was facing the right direction and I continued safely on my way.

When you hit the ice, you are out of control. Nothing you can do seems to work and your fate is not in your hands.

Perhaps God was not through with my life yet. In my eyes, I seem to add small value to life and despite having some success in the world do not seem to have achieved the success that is really important in so many areas.

HarleyDad believes in a Higher Power that we call God. He also believe in angels. Perhaps the day of the spin the angels were working overtime. The question is why? My life is not worth more than the lives of many others that have not survived other highway accidents. I do not have the answer to that question, just as I do not have the answers to many other questions.

What I do know is that I could have been dead-but I live. I think many military men and women that have seen the deaths of their comrades have the same feeling. They know that they are alive-but it is not that they are more worthy than their comrades. In fact, often, just the opposite is true.

The Apostle Paul wrote: If I die, I die unto the Lord; and if I live I live unto the Lord, and therefore whether I live or die, it is unto the Lord.

So I presume that the issue is not one of living or dying, it is whether it is "unto the Lord." How do we live well, then? Also sometimes, the heavier rains come in life-but instead of doing damage they wash away the oil slicks of our life-making the road of life much more safe.

Life is a gift; but perhaps sometimes death may be a gift too. Certainly eternal life is a gift.

This is HarleyDad signing off---Ride Well.

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