Thursday, January 06, 2005

Princessbelle's First Words

Now to say that there is a tradition of back-seat driving on the distaff side of our family is an understatement.

The secrets of backseat driving are passed down on the matriarchal side of the family. First they are taught from mother to daughter. In our family this has now gone on long enough that some of the secrets are genetically passed on from generation to generation and do not even need to be repeated as the following story will illustrate.

When you marry into the family, if you do not already have the backseat driving gene, then you are initiated into the secrets of backseat driving by other female members of the family. I suspect that this happens at holiday and other times when you see the women gather together in quite discussion or when they disappear ostensibly to go shopping.

Backseat driving is more than just a tradition, it is a genetic implant!

This is illustrated by the following event.

Princessbelle is the youngest daughter of HarleyDad and Brokerbelle. Princessbelle's first words were backseat instructions rendered to HarleyDad.

Princessbelle had never said one word.

She like to sit in the back of our Blazer and play in the flat area with the seat down. HarleyDad as usual was going around a corner too fast.

Princessbelle says: "DON'T HURT PRINCESSBELLE". So the first word ever spoken by Princessbelle was not just a word-but a sentence---and a backseat instruction as well.

Brokerbelle and the other female members of the family-were so proud!

So there you have it. Genetic proof that back seat driving is now passed on generation to generation.


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