Thursday, January 13, 2005

MR-2, the Internet and Princessbelle

HarleyDad loves the MR-2

He decided to move up and purchase the 1997 MR-2 over the internet. The MR-2 had morphed from a small sports car to a larger sports car. This MR-2 was held by a Chicago BMW auto dealer who had taken it in as a trade-in. It came from a nice family. It was in immaculate condition and had low mileage. HarleyDad's new MR-2 was white in color and had a stick shift. You could take a portion of the top of and have the convertible feeling.

Princessbelle loved to ride in this car. Sometimes however she would undo her seat belt and once to the horror of HarleyDad managed to unlock her door and HarleyDad watched it swing open as he rounded a curve. It was Deja-Vu of the baby Imp Queen.

Above are pictures of HarleyDad's 1997 MR-2. One of them has a picture of Princessbelle when she was younger.



impletqueen said...

There, you big whiner. Thirty days of HarleyDadness for the world to read without having to resort to archival information. Neener.

But let it be known that:
a.) I can spell "aficionado" and you can't;
b.) I spent hours, plural, on the phone with my dear friend Dawn last night, and we have determined that pictures of my 16th birthday party, including one HarleyDad, might be publishable on my blog unless certain conditions are met. Additionally, Dawn has tentively agreed to guest blog the story of How HarleyDad Taught The Girls To Drive.

Just noting.

Harley Dad said...

Just TEN archival spots?.....Does this mean we must resort to multiplication times 3 in order to get THIRTY?

impletqueen said...

hit "refresh", and then see how many .. woot! All the way back to December 9, even~