Sunday, February 25, 2007

And the Winner Is

The Emerald Prince is the winner with a somewhat ethereal pose in the clouds.

Shan Tora has been discovered to (i) either not be a man or (ii) to be on harmones and so she is thrown out of the competition despite being in the best shape of all the contestants and having the best definition as well as being the best looking.

HarleyDad is disqualified for imitating a black rolling swastika and is thrown out for looking like an anti-semitic symbol and is barred from all future body building contests.

The Emerald Prince wins and and is showered with quarters and vending machine food.
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The Three Finalists in Mr. NW Correct.

Shan Toral shows definition, Harley Dad shows bulk ing up; the Emerald Prince stirkes a pose. The Competition Guards are looking the other way. The guests of the Emerald Palace appear to be rolling on the floor gasping and choking with envy.
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Mr. Northwest Correctional

Mr. Northwest Correctional

It was not without a certain amount of trepidation that we set out for Northwest Correctional institute for the 2007 Body Builders Competition. The training had been assiduous.

Shan Tora had trained regularly, hours each week, through Karate training. She had been first in all the students in doing her exercises. She had outperformed all the males in her class through doing more and better push-ups then all of them. Her situps were outstanding and she had developed her own six pack until it was taken away from her due to being under drinking age.

HarleyDad was also ready for the competition and had been bulking up and was ready to enter into high repetitive exercises to burn away the bulk. However, being so successful in bulking up, he had not yet gotten to the high repetitions needed to supply that high definition that Shan Tora had already achieved.

Likewise the Emerald Prince was ready to compete utilizing the state owned fitness facility so deftly shown in all the prison movies. Mr. Emerald worked out daily and was cut like an emerald having honed himself through the regular discipline of iron.

And so all of us had high hopes of winning the coveted title of Mr. Northwest Correctional.

The other guests of this friendly state run facility had also been training. But we considered family fitness to be the name of the game.

Even Brokerbelle had gotten into the game. Her training involving stair climbing, laundry lifting, running after Shan Tora and picking up after the other competitive members of the family. This was somewhat like Hercules lifting the heffer every day. As the Heffer and laundry loads grew day by day, Brokerbelle had beoome more fit but due to a bout of recent illness Brokerbelle decided to sit this one out. Also she did not want to shame us.

And so as we entered Northwest Correctional, we were ushered in past the sniff detector and were drug tested to make sure that we were not using steroids or other performance enhancing drugs. I am delighted to say that the family passed in flying colors.

Shan Tora, Harley Dad and the Emerald Prince went into the first body building pose. See the picture above. Unfortunately here our problems began. Shan Tora had a few too many curves and was disqualified from the competition. Inconveniently we had forgotten but the competition was to become Mr. Northwest Correctional. Shan Tora was accused of having taken harmones and six pack or not was unceremoniously disqualified from further participation.

The Emerald Prince and Harley Dad however proceded to the next round.

HarleyDad threw his next body building pose. To his horror he was censured and disqualified. It seems that the judges accused HarleyDad of throwing a pose that looked like a black rolling swastika. Despite vigorous protests from HarleyDad he was branded as a neo-Nazi skinhead by the Twelve Competition Judges who it turned out were all members of the same local synagogue in Cameron, Missouri and HarleyDad was thrown out of the competition.

The Emerald Prince was accorded the title of Mr. Correctional Institute by default and was proclaimed as being cut like a jewel and far above his competitors.

As a result of the Prince's fine showing, HarleyDad and Shan Tora were forced to shovel mountains of quarters into vending machines which in turn spit out mountains of just desserts for the Emerald Prince's great enjoyment.

With that being done, we bid a fond adieu to NW Correctional Institute and resolved to meet again for the competition next year.

Harley Dad.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Copyright Shan Tora 2007

Shan Tora has been at it again. This is her dreams. She has better dreams than I do, that is for sure.

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5 Eyes

Copyright Shan Tora 2007

Here is apiece of original artwork from Shan Tora. Four manga girls with 5 eyes. Each one has a different mood. They are mad, sad happy and confused.

Very original, I think!

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Weekend in Branson

Copyright E.Jett 2007

This is a picture of Table Rock Lake near Branson.
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Monday, February 12, 2007

Shan Torah

So this explains why my scanner has peculiar marks on the glass. Shan Torah has been at it again.

Copyright 2007 Shan Tora.
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Family of Deer

Copyright 2007 E.Jett

A family deer in the snow.
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Hawk Soaring

This hawk is soaring over its territory. Fortunately, I was a bit too big for it to eat.

Copyright 2007 E. Jett
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Turkeys in the Snow

These two turkeys appeared near my office. So as usual, I put on my snowshoes and headed out after them. They had beautiful plummage. I hope you enjoy the picture as much as I did taking it.

Copyright 2007 E.Jett
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Coons 1-Wildlife Control 0

Yep, those coons are smart. Our wildlife control people are PROFESSIONALS. We know it must be true because it says so on their business card.

The coons however could care less. They refuse to give us their business cards and they could careless if you are professional.

Three days of clever traps. Thus far the coons have avoided all traps. One trap blocked their entrance and they dismantled the trap and returned to the attic.

The score thus far is Coons 1 and Wildlife Professionals 0.

Then their is the bait in the trap. A little bit of old corn. Who wants it? Now some nice strawberry preserves or a half eaten hamburger from Sonic, now that would be a treat. If I were a coon, I can tell you that I would take no chances for a bit of half eaten, stale corn.

Thus far, apparently the coons agree with my taste.


Friday, February 09, 2007

Ya Got Coons!

Ya Got Coons

“Ya Got Coons,” the animal control person says. “Bad news,” I thought, “Really, bad news”. Yeah, we had been through this before. Having coons is worse than having fleas or the kids having lice in the hair.

Racoons look like a sweet woodland creature on the cartoons. They aren’t. And with the last cold snap that we had in Ozarklandia, a family of coons decided that they would come live with us. Coons never ask permission, they just move in like trailer-trash relatives that are ready to have you support them forever. You provide and they take. And move in they did. They pulled out a small board on the facing of the roof and wiggled through.

No invitations needed nor expected. They made an opening and in they marched. “Where is the food,” they yelled.

They announce their arrival by cavorting in the attic. They can’t just move in and be good neighbors. No , when they move in the house is theirs. They poop in your attic and wake you up at night. They are nocturnal animals and at night when good folk are sleeping, they like to cut up, wrestle with one another, go out for late night snacks or order in a pizza.

They are social beasts. When one comes in there is always more. They bring their families and other relatives . The more coons the merrier. They go in out of your attic through their little doors all hours of the night. They party with no apologies to you and then zonk out in the daytime and pretend that nothing happened and they aren’t there.

However, they don’t move out and they don’t go away. At least not voluntarily.

Your home is their home. This quickly morphs to it quickly being their home and their house and you get the hindmost and can move out as far as they are concerned. They believe that possession is nine-tenths of the law. And believe me, when I say that our house has been possessed by coons.

They tear up your insulation, chew through your wires, eat through the wood, unhook the heating and cooling and generally create havoc wherever they go. They are not your friends but your enemy.

It is you and and your family or they and their family. Period. The end. And so that’s why we called a professional gun slinger. Our town had been possessed by the bad guys and we want them to be run out of town. Coons don’t negotiate. They only understand one thing. It is you or them. They don’t care what the law is. “ Law is for people folk not coons”, they say. They laugh at court orders of ejectment. They only understand brute force.

Yes, coons are bandits. They don’t wear that little mask around their eyes to be cute. They are thieves and they obey no laws other than coon laws which you and I do not understand but are for coons alone. They take what they want when they want it. And the coons had laid claim to our house.

Well, Harley dad has seen these varmints before. And they are not welcome here. You like them and want them. Well, my advice you is come get them. You can have ‘em. Free. Just get your bleedin’ heart down to Ozarklandia and I will fill up your car with coons and you can take them back to wherever you came from.

Not not too much is written by theologians about coons. I guess if you are at a University or a high-falootin’ school of theology, coons are not what immediately come to your mind. However, after seeing a group of coons move in take over the house, laugh at the family and terrorize the dog and the cat, you begin to view them less from a philosophical perspective and more from a theological perspective.

Coons must be little agents of the devil, after all they come to “steal, kill and destroy.” Well perhaps that may be goings a little far; but you can say that the house is possessed by coons. And HarleyDad is calling upon some professional exorcisers to kick those critters out.

Jesus told the story about how one man was delivered from demons and got his house all organized and cleaned out and seven more demons came in worse than the first. It makes you wonder if Jesus had seen a group of coons try to move in before. That is the way coons act. If you get rid of them and don’t close up the hole in the roof (every hole in the roof), they bring their friends and move back in in and make your attic their home, and the new group is worse than the first.

Yeah, and that is just the way sin is. Sin in the Greek is harmatia or something like that. I hear it means missing the mark, a falling short of God’s standard and plan. We all miss this standard and we all need the grace of God.

Coons are like little sins. You think your house is tight and in order. But they slip in during the night through some little crack. Perhaps through something you saw or heard or felt. And once sin is there in your attic, it moves it to stay. It whispers sweet words that it will coexist with the rest of your life. But sin lies. It parties all night. It grows bigger and nastier. Your house is its house, your possessions its possessions. Little venial critters grow into big mortal critter sins. And if they get big enough they may try to take over the house and kick you out. Sins are like coons, they try to bully the rightful owners of the house.

I suspect that is why Jesus took a hard-line view of sin. He knew that sin was like them coons that moved in. Jesus said “If your hand offends you, cut it off. If your eye offends you cast it out. It is better to enter into the kingdom of heaven maimed than to be whole and not enter it at all. “ At least I think he said somethin’ like that. Jesus did not believe that you could work out a deal or compromise with the devil or with sin. And, I would add that you can’t do it with coons either.

So Coons, enjoy yourselves. Because your days are numbered. You aren’t welcome here! We are going to kick your little coon butts right outa here.

And that is the theological view of coons, I guarantee.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Doctor Goes to Work

Have great fear insects. You are not safe when this guy is around. Ozarkian woodpecker working hard to support his family.
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Ozarkian Peckerwood

Some also call them woodpeckers. This bird is a typical of the area. A little snow does not bother him. He goes straight to work looking for insects. My dentist uses one of these little fellows to clean teeth. I recently changed my dentist by the way.
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Cardinal of Ozarklandia

Copyright 2007 E.Jett
This cardinal is in charge of his area. He is an officer of the avian church. His ruby feathers boldly proclaim that he is proud of who he is. He does not deign to blind into his surroundings but proudly makes a statement of who he is.
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Hawk in Ozarklandia

This small hawk has a territory. It is his and woe be to those who enter into it.

Copyright 2007 E.Jett
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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cardinal in Snow

Copyright E. Jett 2007

This cardinal has fluffed himself up in order to stay warm during a snowstorm.

Air under the feathers is warmed by the bird's body heat.

The weather continues cold in Ozarklandia. People compensated for not having fur or feathers by using down comforters.

God, however, has seen that birds of the field carry their down comforters with them as they fly.

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