Monday, December 27, 2004

Quarters and Lighters in Outer Ozarklandia

In a prior blog, I discussed how quarters were permitted in the Emerald Palace. So we always proceed into the Emerald Palace with quarters.

Above is a picture of a stack of quarters. However, these quarters would never be permitted to be taken into the Emerald Palace. The reason is that the roll of quarters is really a lighter in disquise. Try that, and you too could be a guest of the Emerald Palace.

A lighter such as this could be used to bring in contraband. That brings me to the story of how a lighter was used one time by the Frog Prince before he became the Emerald Prince.

The Frog Prince had a problem with drugs. In an effort to make sure he remained off drugs (Can you believe that we would not take his word for it !), we had the Frog Prince tested bi-weekly by a firm that took a sample of his urine.

They checked his pockets and made sure that the urine is warm. We get the report back. It seems that when we get the report back there are no drugs in Froggy's system. However, there is something strange in the report, it seems that his urine has something in it like traces of lighter fluid.

But his pockets were checked, he brought nothing in and the urine was warm. Now as Paul Harvey said: "Here is the rest of the story" as told to us by the Emerald Prince. (Confession is good for the soul.) It seems that the Frog Prince had gotten clean urine from a friend and placed it in a long lighter and then stored the lighter in the side of the shoe. That kept the urine nice and toasty warm.

In the privacy of the restroom he dumped the lighter filled with urine into the test jar, and that is how the urine came to have traces of lighter fluid in it.

There is only one question left. How did the Frog Prince ever find a friend that had drug-free, clean urine.

And that is the story of the Urine with Lighter Fluid in it.

Another Strange but true tale from


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