Wednesday, December 22, 2004

MG-TD Series-the Golden Age

There are periods of history in which things reach their apex. These are often called the "golden age." Everything new is not necessarily the best. Nor does the Golden Age for an object come in precise historical sequence. For instance in stain glass, we are not in the Golden Age. We have reverted to barbarianism in the art area of stained glass. Now in the Middle Ages, they knew how to make stained glass and our most beautiful examples of stained glass come from historical periods prior to now.

I was in a historical dig in the U.K. As they dug down the examples of architectural debris and relics that they turned up were superior further down. Some of the best U.K. building and some of the most resilient relics come from the Roman Age. Again, in church architecture we move from the Cathedrals of the Middle Ages to the tin temple buildings of today.

In autos there is a golden age. It is the age of the MG-TD series. Although I will not write about it today, I am posting a few pictures to show you how autos did look and should look.


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