Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Car that Went Choo-Choo

The third and last story about the Frog Prince and automobiles is about the car that went Choo-Choo.

This story for some reason causes me to smile even today.

The car was a grey Toyota Carolla sedan. It was been first used by HarleyDad and then for a season by ImpQueen. But being one of the great Toyota “never wear out” automobile products, it finally made its way to the Frog Prince.

The Frog Prince at this particular time was living with us.

He goes out one evening with the car with the instructions that he is to be back at mid-night. At which time HarleyDad locks the door, and the Emerald Prince becomes a frog. It is a Friday night and the full moon is out.

By the way, HarleyDad believes in the “full moon effect.” There is a subgroup of policemen, medical people in emergency rooms, parole officers, mental ward workers and social workers that recognize the full moon effect. People, especially drug users, get crazy when the moon is full. Most of us come to this belief through repeated experience. After all, why else is the word luna in the word lunatic. The relationship is not accidental. Well the moon was full that evening, and full moons are harbingers of crazy actions.

Sometime on Saturday morning, we get a call from the Frog Prince who is at a service station. We ask him where his car is, but he really does not know. “Well, didn’t you have it last night when you left”, Harley Dad says.

We go pick up the Frog Prince and bring him home. (He was particularly froggy that day.) After a while we begin to ask the Frog Prince what he remembers. All he can remember is something about the car being on rail road tracks.

The great search begins. We obtain further information and learn that Frog Prince and his fellows were some place in the down town area.

After we do some searching, yes we do find the vehicle. And yes the Frog Prince was correct the car is out on the rail road tracks under an overpass down town.

Now, I have never figured out how or why that car was there but there it was. Thankfully a train had not come or the car would have gone bye-bye. We pulled the car off the tracks with some chains and it was only lightly damaged.

At it is, this is the Toyota that must have thought it was a train and headed for the railroad tracks.

Another bizarre auto story by

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