Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Blond and the Morgan

HarleyDad as a young man often worked in service stations.

One of the places where I worked was an Exxon station that was the first station after you came off the Mississippi River Bridge in New Orleans. Having had some experience at that point, I was the Night Manager. I loved the nightshift. You began at 10:00 P.M. and worked until 6:00 A.M.

When it got dark in New Orleans, the night life came out and you can bet that the night life in New Orleans was interesting.

Well, for some reason, on this particular occasion I was working a different shift for some one and was on the 2:00 P.M. to the 8:00 P.M.

About mid-afternoon, a beautiful blond came driving into the service station. I fell in love. She was driving a Morgan.

You know how it is when you fall in love, you loose your normal good sense. I had been well brought up so I knew you did not ask "personal" questions, especially to strangers. But what could I do? Good sense had left me. So I ventured my question.

"So, if you do not mind me asking, how much did that Morgan cost?"

The young lady looks flustered. "I really don't know she said, my boy friend bought it for me."

Woops, wrong question.

The Morgan was yellow and it was absolutely gorgeous!


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