Friday, December 24, 2004

A Blog That Only a Mother Could Love

Or a father could love.

We are a bloggin' bunch. The family that blogs together stays together.

Blogging began with the ImpQueen who has infected HarleyDad and Brokerbelle. In turn, they have infected The Grand Patriarch and the Grand Matriarch.

I blog for a number of reasons. However, one good side effect of blogging is that the family stays in touch. However, by doing so they take the chance that they may read something that they would just as soon not read.

Blogging is not with out its dangers. Some things you should not see or hear. Oh well.

I come from a family with an extraordinarily fine sense of humor. I thought you would enjoy a portion of an e-mail that I received from my father:

"Mom and I have been enjoying your early morning blogs. They are more than clever, they are inspired. But we do worry about your sleep habits. We notice that you still do your work when you should be sleeping. Question? Do you also sleep when you should be working? When you were just a child we found that we could get you to sleep just by taking you for a ride. Check to see if Brokerbelle is interested in taking you for a ride at 3AM. I think not. By the way, Mom and I want to apologise (or is it apologize) for not checking your spelling. For example , lose is what you do when you misplace something, loose is what you do when you release something. Repeat after me, lose, loose. Example, sometimes I feel like I will lose my mind. Other times I loose it so it can wander where it pleases. Jesus commanded his apostles to go and find an ass, and loose it. If he had commanded that they lose it, there would not have been a triumphal entry. Question, is it better to lose your ass or to loose it. At 3 AM, one could do both. "

Well, I guess I now know where the ImpQueen gets her wit--or least half of it.

Hang on to your Santa Hats, our next blog will be a description of Santa's visit to the Emerald Palace!


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