Monday, November 15, 2004

Young of Mind

Blogging seems to be for the young. As I surf blogs, I note that the majority are written by people in their twenties. Some could be titled: "Me, All about Me, Wonderful ME, Terrible Me and Woe Me. Others seem keyed to political insight, as though the world were waiting for more trenchant comments on politics. Afterall, don't we get enough on Television.

YET---there are some extremely talented bloggers out there. Some have a wonderful way with words. Others touch the heart with their stories, and humor. On balance, the glass is half full. There are wonderful, talented people out there. People worth talking to.

If we have a heart to learn, we can learn from those younger than ourselves. Some of the greatest lessons and pronouncements of God have come through children. Sometimes when people speak from the heart, that is the medicine that we need.

Then there is the matter of age. Some of us never have been and never will be beautiful. But beauty is also a matter of the heart.

I close with a discussion I had with my grandfather. I was in the early twentys at the time. He told me that he got up every morning. When he got up, he looked into the mirror and thought he would see someone twenty looking back at him. Instead, he would see an old man looking at him and wonder where that old guy came from. The reason that happened was that my grandfather had remained young on the inside. He still wanted to learn, to meet new people, to read and to learn.

Age sometimes is a matter of the heart. Of course, only we older people say such things.

On another topic, HarleyDad tried out a new 100 Anniversary full helmet yesterday. Normally, I use a half helmet. Well it was in the high 40's when I went out. The full helmet which I thought might be claustrophobic was great. It kept the wind coming through, had more protection, and was warmer. Good for riding fast in cold weather. The only problem is that I look like one of the Star Wars Storm Troopers and keep yelling "May the Force be With You" as I pass other Harley Owners. For a picture of me in the new helmet --see the ImpQueen's post of November 10.

Here's to ya! HarleyDad

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