Monday, November 15, 2004

Nothing Sacred

Yippes! I have been found out. See today's Brokerbelle blog if you must. Brokerbelle read my desciption of myself on the Blog. Is nothing sacred in the Hacienda? Is there no sanctity of blog?

Now I have been assessed a penalty of 1,000,000 points and green ones at that, and have nothing to show for it. Wow, I will be working this off for years if I am lucky. All those points convert to cash and other benefits.

I wonder what tipped her off. Did she see Semantha and I together somewhere? Did one of the children tell her why I had really been watching Stargate 1 all these years?

ImpQueen, this is your fault. You are the ghost-writer of my bio. Now I have to confess that I really like comic books, read Mad Magazine and watch Survivor instead of reading War and Peace. And that part about being a lover-how could you?? How humiliating!

I am going out for a ride. Perhaps I will be lucky and will become a hood ornament for a truck!



Harley Dad said...

Hood Ornament...hood ornament?...HOOD ORNAMENT!!! What is redemptive about a hood ornament? You can't do that. It will ruin your Harley, dude! Aint' nothin' worth ruining your Harley for! Take off the "Drama King" sign and get to redeeming those Green Points.
Love you, Brokerbelle!

Debonair Suaveroot said...

Your offspring, Ms. Julie, ImpQueen and general universal muckraker, likes to find the little "hidden" secrets of those around her, and drag them out into the sunlight for the amusement of all!
So, you must be prepared for her...she even does it to herself!
Best of luck.