Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Morning Psalms and Sleep

From time to time, I will blog a few morning meditations. I do these in the morning because I am a morning person. In the evening, I drop like a stone. I have mastered the arcane zen art of going to sleep while sitting up. Going to sleep is a wonderful gift of God although I do not find it specifically mentioned as one of the gifts in Romans 12 or 1 Corinthians 12.

Brokerbelle has found me asleep at many places throughout the house. When I sleep next to the aquarium, I am know to "sleep with the fishes." More correctly "sleep with the fish."

Sleep is mentioned somewhere in the Psalms where it says "He giveth his beloved sleep." Well He giveth it daily and it is wont to hit sometimes after 9-10 P.M. It goeth away between 3-4 a.m. so that I will have plenty of time for meditations.

At any rate, sleep is likely to hit in various places. It occureth in airplanes- O Blessed relief! O Perfect Peace! It is wont to strike in any sermon after 15 minutes-O Blessed relief! O embarassment! How your servant is Humbled in Your church.

A great gift has been awarded to me so that all may know that I am blessed by God --the uniniated call it snoring!! It is a trumpet call that announces my sleep to all those about me. It proclaims that I am blessed by sleep and woe to those who might awake me. It is sent that those near might not enter into this blessed state until my blessing is complete.

Instead of fighting this great gift (and believe me if you have ever been deprived of it you will know how great a blessing it really is) , I have decided to go with the flow. Therefore if you are reading my blog and any of my morning meditations at your computer and feel like you suddenly need to sleep go right ahead. I absolve you.

Sleep in peace and sleep without guilt. Sleep as a child with a clean conscience.

Rest in peace.


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