Tuesday, November 30, 2004

God Works in Mysterious Ways

The Frog Prince, when he was a young man, often made his parents resort to prayer for peculiar things.

On one occasion the Frog Prince needed a clean drug test inorder to return to Military School in the Northern part of Outer Ozarklandia. Now the Frog Prince was determined that he was not going to be in military school and so went to a party where he proceeded to smoke all kinds of weed, hemp and other stuff that he was sure was an insurance policy that he would be able to maintain his lifestyle in a "high" fashion and with this particular crowd.

At that time HarleyDad and Brokerbelle mistakenly believed that military school might be an avenue out of his local friendships having not yet learned that a drug user if placed in a room with 100 persons, 99 of whom are clean and 1 who is a user, will immediately gravitate to the user and become "best buds."Well it came time for the drug test. And guess what? Instead of testing positive for drug use, the Frog Prince received a negative and was able to return to military school.

The Frog Prince was very upset about this turn of events and believed that someone had ripped him off and had sold him some fake "stuff."Now we do not know what really happened. Did he get sold some fake stuff or did the testing facility know that he Frog Prince need to return to military school? Who knows ? But we do know that sometimes God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

God may have used a drug pusher ripping off his customers or a testing facility that made a mistake. But miracles do happen.Unfortunately, even when God does miraculous things to bring us to a second chance, we can through the choice of our will, put ourselves in a position where God in His great mercy must use more drastic measures.

But that is a story for another time.

God can use strange people and strange events to carry out His will.


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