Friday, November 12, 2004

Division on Ozarklandia Churches

There are two types of men in the churches of Ozarklandia. At first blush, you might think that the two groups were the sinners and the saved. Whoops! Wrong. Brokerbelle, tells me that the Bible says that we are all sinners (at least all men are, that is).

Nope, the two groups are fishermen and golfers. Now I am of the latter category and our pastor at our church is a fisherman. Even his e-mail is flyfisher of men. He wears fishing ties, tells fish stories and makes fish analogies in his sermons. According to him Jesus was into fishing instead of golf. I find this however difficult to believe but that is what he says. Well, at any rate, on a pretty day, you can either fish or golf in Ozarklandia. He fishes; I golf--but only if I am not out riding.

Well, you learn a lot of things in church these days. And I have learned that all men are sinners--but they either are fishermen or golfers.


1 comment:

Harley Dad said...

Question: What does a golfer and a fisherman have in common?

Answer: They both lie about how well they did.