Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The World Has Gone to the Dogs

The world has gone to the dogs. Pugs that is. There seems to be a lively debate out in pugdom as to whether a pug is a person or a dog. Nonetheless, this curious fascination exists. HarleyDad hopes to bring enlightenment to the situation that there are several similarities between pugs and dogs. Utilizing Aristotelian logic HarleyDad points out that the word "Pug" and "Dog" both have three letters and both end with g.

Ah, but HMIQ has reponded that the word god and the word pug both have a g and both have three letters. This response has resulted in a world wide confusion where pugs have been considered to be small gods and hence the name Buddha Pug.

HarleyDad has pointed out that Pugs are known to smoke the incense and therefore their pronouncements are not to be trusted under any circumstances. Further HarleyDad has pointed out to HMIQ that all dogs are not pugs.

At any rate, the existence of a prevailing belief that pugs are not dogs continues to persist. Hopefully the pictures above will illustrate the prevalence of this peculiar delusion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwww... what sweet babies! I knew we'd convert you. Look, Your Highness, our plan is working! It's WORKING! (snort) muuuuaaaahahahhahahahahahahhaa!!!!!! (snort) (lick)