Sunday, July 10, 2005

It's My Blog, but She will blog if she wants to!

OK daughter, give my blog back to me. I want the name back too!

I guess I should say thanks Dahlinks for not painting my blog pink.

Your Ode to the Toad was greatly appreciated. And really you and your friends are welcome in my cyberhouse even if you did pay them in order to make them post their comments. (You told me that you were paying them a $1.50 per comment except for Tay and you agreed to foot the cost of her college education to Harvard by washing bathroom floors on your hands and knees. For a minute there I thought you were trying to get out of buying a gift; but then I realized that your debts were mounting up quickly with your compadres-so I banished that thought from my mind.

Now Big Hominid needs to wipe his feet when he tracks through my blog. After all our Adult Sunday School class was going to visit the blog in order to see pics of THE CONFERENCE. Now they will all be reading Big Hominid's poetry and I expect to be excommunicated from the Methodist Church, and quite frankly, I thought that was pretty hard to do. And no more Mr. Nice Conference. Now we will become outcasts and paraiahs in our community.

In all seriousness I appreciate the item you wrote and the comments of your friends-even Big Hominids. The curses (or bad poetry) of one with a good heart are better than benign greetings of someone with a bad heart. That is in the Bible somewhere or the Koran or Upanishads or Kabalah or somewhere like that.

All that being said, "That Pug is still not welcome here." I don't care if he is Buddhist or Hindu. As I learned at church : "Love the sin and hate the sinner or was it love the sinner and hate the sin." Well, no matter, it all translates into "Love the daughter, hate the pug." That pug is not a person, no matter what you think. Further I don't think that pug is really a practicing Buddhist anyway. It does't wear saffron robes. The incense that is always burning is to cover up the pug smell. One of those CSI blue lights shows exactly what that pug does when no one is looking. Further that benign expression on that dogs face is not because he is enlightened but because he is rolling his own and smokin' em. And that's the truth!

Rode the Harley into Kansas and then into Oklahoma but no matter how fast I went I could not escape my age.

By the way I did not leave everything to The Conference. I have kept enough to buy a bigger Harley. Since I am getting older, I need to ride faster and further.

Thanks for the wonderful gift. Now give me my blog back.

HarleyDad is the progenitor of HMIQ who sprung fully formed directly from the brow of HarleyDad just like Athena did from Zeus.


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