Friday, July 01, 2005

Hail Storm

Big hail storm last night.

Some hail as big as golf balls. It made quite a racket. We threw a pink golf ball out (it was Brokerbelle's golf ball, honest) in order to show that some of the pieces were golf ball size, but then the golf ball rolled down the hill. Now the hail has melted and the golf ball is floating down Shoal Creek and touring the streams of Outer Ozarklandia.When it is light we need to see the roof, pool cover, automobiles.

As the hail hit the roof, I could not help thinking what it was like to have been an Egyptian in the time of Moses and have God punish you by sending a plague of hail stones. How fearsome and how terrible that must have been. What is next? I hope it is not a plague of frogs. Then we would all have warts or even croak.

Brokerbelle commented that she had seen hailstones this size in Waco back in the Great Waco Tornado that occurred at the beginning of recorded history. But that was Pre-Weather channel, heck it was before color TV.

The Harley was all nestled in the garage, with dreams of rallies in its head. Did ride the Harley to the office yesterday. Took a few pictures along the way. I love to take pictures of flowers. I must have the heart of the cartoon character Pepe LePew.


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