Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hit the Road Jack

I hope to hit the road sometime this weekend on the Harley.

My 4 megapixel Olympus has not been enough and now I feel like I need to move up to a better camera. So I have taken my more than generous birthday money from Brokerbelle and purchased an 8 megapixel Canon Rebel XT. This one actually has knobs and settings since it is an SLR. My other was an SOL, and it seems to know that I am leaving it for a younger and better loaded camera. Almost from the day I made my decision to move own, it has refused to take any more beautiful pictures for me.

The real issue is whether a guy that needs his wife or daughter to assist him with a TV remote control can learn to do the settings on a new and more complicated camera-especially when he is clumsy to boot.

It will take about 10-14 days to get the camera. It comes with a 150 page manual. That is daunting in itself. I also have a couple of international trips but will probably take the Olympus, the new Rebel is to take pictures of my beautiful Ozarks, where my heart is.

To have the eyes of God -to see as He sees. To see the beauty of his creation. That is my prayer, my hope and my responsibility.

It is easy in life to have eyes to see the worse. That is easy. But to have the eyes to see the best in nature and in people. Now that is a higher calling.

We all have gifts in the Body of Christ. Perhaps for a while, mine can be the eye. I hope the eye will be good and bring blessing both to the body and to others.



Anonymous said...

Face it, Papa. You just have camera envy with respect to my Daddy's camera.

Harley Dad said...

True, Oh so true. And little Red Riding Hood said to Papa: "Oh, what a big camera you have. And Papa said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Better to shoot your pictures with."

The Olympus is wearing out and its pixels are far too, too small so I am moving up to the Rebel XT. Now if I can just figure how to turn the switch on. HD