Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Philosopher in Leather

Diogenes should have ridden a motorbike. The air is cleaner and truth is closer when you can smell the grass and feel the wind again. I ride alone-but not really alone. It is God and me on a Harley. For the non-rider, my advice is to repent and to say three harleys. Some of you may love Harlies as well or even more than myself. You might be described as "Harlier than Thou."

Sometimes we discover wonderful things later in life.

I did not jump out of an airplane, scuba, golf or ride a Harley until after 50 years of age. Age is a matter of the mind (well most of the time, anyway), and I am younger now than I used to be and am having more fun. The child within has decided to come out and play. It is unseemly and outrageous!! It is my hope to become an embarassment to myself and to others and I am certain that I will have an opportunity to do both with this blog.

The Bible somewhere says: "Be a doer of the word-not just a blogger of the word." Further if we are not a doer of the Word-then we are like the guy that wrote a blog and forgot to save it and then turned his computer off. That's what my Harley Bible says anyway!!

This blog is about Harleys-but it also about God, man, truth, and finding your way in life. It is about being an individual. It is about loneliness and wounded hearts. It is also about friendship, fellowship, and healing. It is about family-local families-but also about larger families and the relationship of those who have survived rough times. It is about parents trying to raise a child beginning at 50 and hoping that they live long enough to get the job done. It is about rediscovering family and the restoration of values in our life. It is about coming home again. It is about love and a little romance as well. It is about heroes in unlikely guises.

My location is The Wilderness. Now the wilderness is not such a bad place to be. In the wilderness, there is not too much to attract us, it is easier to find our way and things are quieter-at least when we kill the motor. Jesus went to the wilderness to pray. The wilderness is my home. I live in the Wilderness and write from the Wilderness.

Ride Free-Ride Safe.

Harley Dad signing off.

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