Saturday, October 30, 2004

My House

We manly guys like to think we are in charge. (That is, until our spouses tell us different.)

My Dad once said to me that he made all the big decisions; whereas Mom made all the minor decisions. He said that he was still waiting for some of the big decisions. Isn't that the way it is.

Well, I am Harley Dad and am I feeling my oats today. This is my blog and my house (Note the word "Hacienda") and I say what I please!!

However, being the wise and judicious person I am, I choose not to say many things.

I do however, want to say good things, things that lift up and encourage.

Besides, it is hard being the boss with people you love.

I prefer words like husband, friend, lover, and co-worker. It seems like as I get older, that I am not as important as I used to think. Instead, I seek good relationships. (Diogenes sought truth, give me good relationships and a steak any time-Both go down better.)

That doesn't mean that I don't want to speak the truth-however, it should be a truth that helps and is spoken from good rather than from hurtful motives.

Here in the Wilderness, we are known for speaking our minds. Some not in the Wilderness, might call us blunt. Well, I call us "Wilderness Blunt." We say it the way it is. However sometimes we say it the way it should be too.

A child's story is told of two evil tailors who told the King that they were making beautiful clothes that only the pure of heart and the good could see. The king could not see the clothes but everybody raived and the king kept quiet because he did not want people to know that his heart was not good.

As the king paraded down the street, a little boy said "Look, the king is wearing no clothes." The little boy just spoke the truth.

We live in a society today in which people walk around having been sold a bill of goods by tailors who are experts in marketing, opinions and media.

Well, the little boy in Harley Dad, thinks that some of these ideas and approaches "don't have any clothes on." One might call them "naked untruths." There seem to be alot of them today.

In this season of politics, they seem to be reproducing like rabbits.

Ride Together,

Harley Dad

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