Tuesday, April 26, 2005

TexBro, Tejas and Bluebonnets

Well ya'll, we just got back from Tejas.

HarleyDad, Brokerbelle and Princessbelle went down to Tejas for the wedding of TexBro. The Bride was beautiful. We are pretty shure she has a visual disability because she married TexBro who is only slightly better looking than HarleyDad. She acted like she could see, but we still are not sure.

GrandMatriarch (age 83) and GrandPatriarch (85) embrarrassed everybody by showing more energy than anybody else, hosting the wedding in their house. GrandMatriarch scared everybody by standing on top of a ladder to put up glasses in the top of her cubbard. HarleyDad responded by calmly turning the pages of his newspaper.

Sparkey and Beautiful Bridgette were there and Sparkey gallantly went to the GrandMatriarch's aid.

TexBro was a happy man and TexBro's Bride, the Yellow Rose, was beautiful. It was a lovely wedding.

Later we went to the Rose Capital of the U.S. Then it was home up through the Tejas highways and all the beautiful Tejas wildflowers, including the bluebonnet which is the state flower of HarleyDad's lot in Ozarklandia.


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