Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Chocolate and More Chocolate


The Swiss have taken over the world. The tools of their take-over are not guns or arms-but chocolate. For a link to Nestle go to

The Swiss gnomes are not in the banks but are hidden in the Board rooms of the Swiss Chocolate Companies staying up late at night in order to maintain world dominance of the Chocolate cartel. They are hidden away in mahogany lined board rooms in Lausanne and Zurich.

Inside Chocolate is the hidden ingredient that once you taste it makes you a chocolate addict. Little children take their school money and instead of spending it on turnips and spinach as they should are seen sneaking off paying their hard earned pennies and nickels to buy things like chocolate milk.

Their mothers are as addicted to chocolate as their daughters believing that chocolate is one of the seven major food groups. The husbands and fathers are expected to bring gifts of chocolate for every male offense, and believe me there are plenty of offensives. There is no female forgiveness without chocolate being somehow involved.

The chocolate cartel has spent years infiltrating the world’s religious and cultural systems with the chocolate schemes. There is chocolate in every stocking and chocolate Santa Claus’s galore.

Then there is Valentines. What is Valentines without flowers and chocolate.

Next comes Easter. There are chocolate rabbits, and chocolate eggs. The eggs have chocolate in the inside and sometimes chocolate on the outside.

Then there is Halloween. No Halloween is complete with a bag full of chocolate.

During the winter months we stay warm with cocoa and hot chocolate.

During the summer months it is time for chocolate ice cream.

For our birthday the perennial there is the chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake.

Then there is chocolate for our anniversaries and those special occasions such as eating out.

There is chocolate mousse, chocolate tortes, chocolate cheese cake and death by chocolate.

Chocolate comes in gold wrappers, silver wrappers in candy bars it comes in M&M’s etc. etc.

It is the perfect food. It cures cancer, helps your digestion, brings peace to the stressed life and generally serves as the comfort food of choice.

For those of us who like alcohol, you can even purchased chocolate that is impregnated with delicious liquors. The best of all worlds. Alcohol and chocolate.

There are chocolate rabbits, chocolate chickens, chocolate cars and chocolate hearts. Chocolate can take the shape of almost anything we desire.

Movies are made about chocolate and books are written about it.

There are chocolate candies, chocolate cookies, chocolate chips and chocolate ice cream.

The world overflows with chocolate-but we still can not get enough.

Chocolate may be the solution to the world’s ills. If we give enough the each person it is suspected that we may be able to achieve world peace and satisfaction.

So here is to Chocolate-the perfect food. Some call it the food of the gods.

Some chocolate links:


Hershey’s Chocolate world
Virtual Chocolate
The Sweet Science of Chocolate

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