Saturday, July 29, 2006

Shan Tora returns from Space Camp

Shan Tora has returned to earth, to Ozarklandia to be exact.

Her parents shot her off to Space Camp and after orbiting for a week, she is slowly returning to earth.

Shan Tora's team took first place among the competition in Level 1 at the Space Camp.

They made rockets and shot them off; Shan Tora's rocket went 210 feet in the air.

Shan Tora rode the 4 G Centrifuge at the 4 G level for 25 minutes meaning that her weight was about 400 pounds (Your weight times 4). Some of the guys gave up at the 2 G level. Wusses!

She also went on the multi-active trainer, she rode a Falcon simulator and learned many things about outerspace.

Finally, she was awarded very nice Astronaut wings. They are really neat and look much like a pilots wings.

The training was at the Comosphere in Hutchinson, Kansas.

It was a great camp and she hopes to return next year at Level 2.

A few pictures are shown above.

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