I guess Sparky sometimes might ask himself what he is doing in Afghanistan?
It was not really that long ago that he was going into his senior year at Ozarklandia U.
I think the answer is ---Something really important.
Sparky and Beautiful B. sent a few of the Afghanistan pictures to HarleyDad. Of course, he showed them around the office, printed them out and put them in frames and is placing them in his blog.
One of the attorneys commented about the pictures that Sparky was doing something much more important than practicing law. The attorney was right.
Sparky is on the front lines to protect many things. He is protecting my right to worship as I please, the rights to own property and live life in a full and respectable way. He is protecting my freedom of religion. A freedom where I can choose to be Christian or even Muslim if I so choose. That is a freedom that does not exist in the country where he is fighting.
He is fighting in a war where drugs are being used as a weapon to finance terror and to destroy the lives of millions. He is fighting against a militant Islam that coerces people to live by their codes and laws and kills them if they do not.
Sparky is fighting to protect the safety of his country, his wife, and his family.
Yes, I think that what Sparky is doing is pretty important and far more important than the things that I and the attorneys that I work with do on a day to day basis.
So when Sparky is on the mountain, and it is hot as heck or as dry as a bone and boredom sets in, I can only say that Sparky what you and your friends are doing is very, very important.
I am not sure how we can ever thank you, but believe me, what you and the others are doing is greatly admired and appreciated back home.
Thank you.
Love, Dad
Saturday, July 29, 2006
And the Winning Level 1 Team is ....
Shan Tora with friends.
Shan Tora doing something with a thing-a-ma-jig. She would like to tell me what it was but she then would have to kill me.
Shan Tora in Mission Control Trainer
Manned Manuevering Unit. Shan Tora loved this one. To me it looks like the electric chair. They could not strap this big boy in there.
4 G's "I wish I had not eaten that chili dog just before I got on."
Multi Access Trainer. Shan Torah says this is fun.
Shan Tora has returned to earth, to Ozarklandia to be exact.
Her parents shot her off to Space Camp and after orbiting for a week, she is slowly returning to earth.
Shan Tora's team took first place among the competition in Level 1 at the Space Camp.
They made rockets and shot them off; Shan Tora's rocket went 210 feet in the air.
Shan Tora rode the 4 G Centrifuge at the 4 G level for 25 minutes meaning that her weight was about 400 pounds (Your weight times 4). Some of the guys gave up at the 2 G level. Wusses!
She also went on the multi-active trainer, she rode a Falcon simulator and learned many things about outerspace.
Finally, she was awarded very nice Astronaut wings. They are really neat and look much like a pilots wings.
The training was at the Comosphere in Hutchinson, Kansas.
It was a great camp and she hopes to return next year at Level 2.
A few pictures are shown above.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Rocket. Note house in background for perspective.
Space engine
Outside of Cosmosphere
Original Apollo XIII module
Moon walking, yes, I mean real moon walking.
Space capsule
Rocket engine
Yes, Glamourous Glennis, the airplane that broke the sound barrier is here.