Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Seventh Level of Tays Hell

Virgil, a.k.a. HarleyDad, then sent Tay straight to Hell No. 7 where she would meet her tormeters face to face and have a Sermon delivered to her by Harley Dad based up Rev. 7 which says that "Liars go to hell." "Wood burns, you know, Pinocyhio nose, he warned."

HarleyDad then gave dire warnings to Tay that Mr. Big also told him that he had a large inhouse legal staff and believe it or not, Tay had seen nothing yet if they ever got involved. WDW don't settle, and that litigation was very much like hell and some people feared it more than hell.

He also told her that the Magic Kingdom belonged to Mr. Big and that at least while there she was not to take his name in vain. She was to show respect and kiss the ring of the King.

She then met the enforcer for Mr. Big, Darth Vader-"I am on the dark side", himself. Strangely Tay did not see overly afraid of Mr. Big or Darth. HarleyDad was also happy because he had a new client.

Finally Harley Dad told Tay that for her sins, she was really going to be sent to a place much worse than Hell No. 7 and that was to Nixa ,Missouri where she would have to serve out her high school years.

And so as HarleyDad said it, it was done.

Finally as the Elizabethan Bard wrote, "All's well that ends well." The trip to WDW and visit to the Seven Hells of Taryn Michele ended well, so all was well.

And after all Tay did say that she was the granddaughter that loved me the most.


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