Friday, February 18, 2005

Sunrises and Sunsets

It is not that the young despise sunrises and sunsets, it is that they simply do not have time for them. There are places to go, things to do, kids to be taken care of, civic and church obligations etc., etc. Sunrises and sunsets for many of us are reserved for vacations and far away destinations.

And so a number of years ago we are sitting in a restaurant/bar on the Island of Maui. The restaurant was across the street from the beach at Lahaina. All of a sudden, the bartender closes down the restaurant and sends us all outside across the street in order to watch the sun go down. Now there was something right and profound about this. Life stopped for a few minutes as the sun went down.

Since then I have been more aware of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. We have beautiful ones here in Ozarlandia.

In the hurriedness of my life, I have often not taken the time to watch the sun rise and set. This has been my loss. I will do better in the future.

Although a scientist might view a sunrise or sunset as accidental events of nature and reduce it to optics and physics, I choose not to do so. Sunrises and sunsets are the finger of God painting on the canvass of heaven. Rainbows are the multicolored covenant of God with man.

I am a collector of art. But no art that I have can lift a finger to the art of God. Sunrises and sunsets are free gifts of art given to rich and poor alike. Like many things of God they are generously showered out upon both the good and the evil. Sunrises and sunsets are free, and if they are not appreciated, it is because they come regularly and cost nothing. They are bestowed upon us and we have the opportunity, if we choose, to look up and receive the gift.

If I had a bumper sticker it would probably say: "This car brakes for sunrises, sunsets and rainbows."

Above are a few pictures. There will be more in the future.

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