Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Mysterious Fairies

The Mysterious Fairies

Yesterday our Company had a number of meetings beginning at 7 a.m. The Board came in and each place was set with pencils, pens and papers. Breakfast was ready. The area was clean from the night before. No thought was given to the remarkable change from the previous night. The empty coffee cups of the night before had vanished along with the discarded legal pads, notes and documents. All was fresh, clean and beautiful.

So how did it happen. Well, the mysterious fairies had been at work again. When I came in at at 6:30 a.m. the mysterious fairies had been working for two and one half hours to make sure that the meeting rooms were cleansed of the previous nights hard work. Even food and a hot breakfast were ready when the meetings began at 7 a.m.

In fact some of us were not pleased that our meetings had to begin at 7 a.m. But there was no complaint from the little fairies who had disappeared until the next thing was needed to make
the meetings go smoothly.

We all have seen the work and been the beneficiaries of these blithe spirits who do their magic.

When the spouse comes home from work and dinner is magically on the table, then the mysteries fairies have been at work again. When the sock drawer is empty it magically fills itself up. The fairies have been dancing in the night again. Magic occurs.

A child goes to school and finds fresh clean clothes in her drawer—how did they get there? The fairies often perform their work invisibly. Things are dirty or messy and instantaneously and mysteriously there is a change.

It seems that the fairies do not get much thanks. They do their work quietly and invisibly. Then they disappear. They are the ones that make the world go so much smoother. They are the silent heroines and heroes that do their work often without thanks and without notice.

So this day, I dedicate my blog to the good fairies, those blithe spirits that go the second mile and the third.

What would the world be without you.

Like Tinkerbelle in Peter Pan, sometimes the light of the good fairies begin to dim.
I can only say to all the good fairies that bless my life at home and at work and whereever I go—I BELIEVE.

Thank you so much.

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