Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sunnis and Shiites-Part 5

The differences between Sunnis and Shiites might be compared to the differences between Baptist and Catholic.

Nonetheless, we need to keep in mind that both Sunnis and Shiites are in the same Islamic family. It is also a large family that consists of 1 billion people who do not particularly like outsiders.

Many of us grew up with brothers and sisters. We may have fought with our siblings like "cats and dogs"; however no matter how much we did not get along, we did not like others messing with our blood kin.

The Catholics and Baptists may have differences, in fact substantial differences, however, they may stand united when faced with Islam or any other belief that they consider to be non-Christian. The same is true of the Sunnis and Shiites. At least the Catholics and the Baptists are not fighting today and blowing each other up.

In short, the Sunnis and Shiites may not like each other; but they have more in common than either have with the Christian or Jew.


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