Sunday, April 23, 2006

Blessing of the Bikes

Yesterday, I went to the blessing of the bikes. Why bless my soul, I had a good time. One of the events was a stunt show by a Harley stunt team. HarleyDad had his Harley camera and I took a few pictures.

This morning I am going in to see the custom bike show before church. Then it will be off to church in Harley Gear. If I begin to sing "Harley, Harley, Harley" instead of "Holy, Holy, Holy" Brokerbelle has promised to give me good swift kick .

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

LEGAL NOTICE--The tricks you see are done by professionals. They are not to be tried on motorbikes, bicycles, skate boards, etc . (You get the idea.) Only people 60 or older may try them and then only if they sing "Nearer My God to Thee" while doing them and have express written consent from HarleyDad along with a note from their parents.

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