Sunday, April 23, 2006

Angels and Demons

HarleyDad returned to the Blessing of the Bikes in Ozarklandia. It was my second day there and so I might refer to it as the "Second Blessing." It was a great experience and very well attended.

I went for the Bike show and the blessing of the bikes done by Father Bob McIlroy . Apparently, no one wanted to have an unblessed bike and so everybody in the area attended from the modest rice burners in Honda and Susuki land to the meanest Harley around.

The pictures portray a universe of motorcycles and outstanding motorcycle art. I am dividing the pictures into angels and demons.

The demon pictures will come first and then come the angel pictures.

It was a great experience and I plan on attending next year.

Now I will be both your Virgil and Beatrice as I give you a photographic tour of the Purgatorio and Paradise of Harley art and pics.

After all, I am HarleyDad.

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