Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Treadmill

The Treadmill

H.D. knows Scripture. I have read through the Bible on numerous occasions. However, knowing Scripture and doing Scripture are two different animals entirely. An intellectual knowing of the Word of God is far, far easier than a commitment of the will and the enabling of being a doer. As a knower of Scripture, I got an A; however as a doer of Scripture-well let’s just say that I don’t think I made the grade.

We speak of knowing God; however rest assured that we do not know Him like He knows us. His eyes pierce right through to our core. Our eyes are cloudy with worldliness and doubt. As Paul says, we see Him as through a glass darkly.

Obedience is still better than sacrifice so to speak. Doing better than hearing and knowing. Satan knows Scripture. The Scribes and Pharisees know Scripture.

At one point, H.D. had , and may still have, a gift of teaching. In short, that was my gift to the church. However, a time came when the titles and functions of my life had to be laid aside. Even good and religious things are not good enough. My prioritizations were reshuffled. Titles such as Elder, Deacon, Teacher, Vice President were no longer important. Roles such as friend, son, husband became more important.

Instead of the teacher, I have become a child again. My eyes sometimes see things again with wonder. My prayer is to see as God sees. Someday, I hope it will be to do as God does.

Brokerbelle returned from her Bible study last night. I asked her how it went. She said "OK." I asked if they had prayer. “ Well, an opening prayer”, she replied. “What about fellowship?”, I asked. We chatted briefly before the session. So, they went through the study book, looked up Scriptures and learned.

H.D. had been taking care of Princessbelle and had been on the treadmill. I began to think that there was not a whole lot of difference between what Brokerbelle and H.D. were doing.

I had been on a treadmill and she had been on a spiritual treadmill. There had not been much interaction with God Himself or even with other people by either of us. There had been a lot of effort and action by both of us but neither of us had gone very far. Those around us were certain that our actions were good for us; however neither of us could see much change.

There was little worship, prayer or fellowship by either of us.

I think all of this gets back to the issue of where is the presence of the Living Christ. Until Christ joins the Bride, the bread is stale.

My prayer is that our daily bread on the table be fresh. If Christ does not come to the Church, can we go to Him?


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