Froze myself I did. Rode to Branson in 45 degree temperature. It was about a three hour ride. One hour is OK but by three hours one gets pretty cold. Perhaps "pretty" is the wrong word to use. The clouds were cloudy but the internet promised beautiful weather on Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday it was beautiful and the internet was correct. On Saturday we met up with Gwyn-Do-Lyn ("G") in Springfield. G is the beautiful daughter of Bat Woman but that is another story. At anyrate, G came to Branson where Brokerbelle showered her with beautiful clothing. We had a nice visit and she went back to Springfield the next day. More about G. some other time.
On Sunday, I was ready for my great photography outing to Dogwood Canyon. The internet lied. Instead of sunshine it was cloudy and cold. Those sunshine faces shown on the Weather internet places were no place to be seen.
Finally I headed off to Dogwood Canyon to take pictures and then after walking about 8 miles in Harley boots I saw a few small patches of sun. I felt a certain kinship to my son Sparkey who was probably off training and marching in the military so that he can take fine cooking to the natives of Afghanistan and speak to them in the French that he learned in the Defense Language Institute. Oh, Monseur, you are using the wrong spoon for your Afghan soup. How terrible! Mon Deux!! Yes, that's it--- take American culture to them in the form of good French cuisine. They will be so confused.That's disinformation for you.
Then it was time to head home. By the time I got home I was one of the "frozen chosen." I probably looked like a purple popcycle stick riding a Harley.
A few pictures of Dogwood Canyon are posted above.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Old picture of Emerald and Harley-No Halos.
Old Picture of Emerald Prince and Harley Dad at same location in the past-no halos.
The halo photos, you say. Some of my readers have expressed an interest in seeing the halo photos of the Emerald Prince. Although HarleyDad is not overly excited about exhibiting pictures of the Harley family on the Internet; nevertheless because of the great interest, the need to satisfy the "Doubting Thomases" and an obligation to document these types of things, I am posting the pictures. The photos have not been retouched in any way. The Emerald Prince might be described as having "an electric" personality. At any rate, you may purchase T-Shirts, coffee cups and medallions commemorating this visit by contacting HarleyDad and forking over modest hoards of cash for which you may also take a contribution for tax purposes to a non-profit corporation. HarleyDad promises to use the cash to purchase chrome for his Harley (or if the contributions really come in to build a memorial for HarleyDad, Brokerbelle and Princessbelle to worship in at the Lake). Simply wire your contribution to HarleyDad and you can be assured of good luck for 100 years. Pass this on to 1000 of your friends. The last person who did not do this lost their fortune and died of leprousy. No pressure, however.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
In the morning, things look better. I think the rays are starting to catch me after all.
When I was a young person, I must have heard one or more sermons on the light of God. It seems that God was described as having a flashlight or a search light (like they used in WWII or in openings of car dealerships) that shone into heart. As the light shone in hearts and searched out each niche and cranny, the sins of your heart, like roaches, would scurry into corners in order to hide. As an amateur photographer, I now see God's light totally in a different light (so to speak) or perhaps I should say in a different perspective. God's light instead of making us look bad or evil (we can do that for ourselves) makes us look good. The light is direct, pure and wonderful in both the evening and the morning. At noontime the light is direct and there is no escaping it. But even then it makes the Maples shine more brilliantly than in any other time of the day. In the evening, there may be the romantic light of a sun set or the gentle light of the moon playing on the waters at the Lake. Many nights at the lake, I go to sleep by the gentle light of the moon playing out gentle tunes on the ripples in the lake. When I drive home in the evening I drive toward the setting sun. In front of me trees are not as beautiful but behind me they are glorious. It is all a matter of perspective. The evening sunlight makes beautiful those items on which it shines. Light provides an advantage. If I turn around I go from seeing a dismal landscape of gloomy coming darkness to one that is filled with light and glory. Perhaps, that is the nature of being converted. A good photographer follows the light. He or she uses the sunlight, the wonderful natural light to make things look better than they are. In the early morning light it is almost impossible to take a bad picture. When God's light hits our lives, it is almost impossible to look bad. We always look better when we shine in God's light instead of our own. Light is what it is all about. Around God is beautiful light, known by the Jews as the Shekinah Glory of God. Around angels is light. Sometimes around us is the light of Christ. It gives a whole new meaning to catching the rays. The rays catch us. Light does not mean the same to me today that it did as a teenager. Somehow it is a kinder, better light than I heard about in sermons in church when I was a boy. Then I saw darkly. I see better now. HarleyDad
Maples reflect the Glory of God.
Maples may decide to grace the finest homes
Or the maples may decide to line up in trailer parks; but its glory is still the same.
The Maple tree is an evidence of the grace of God. It is a beautiful tree. God sends his sunshine and his thirst-quenching rain on all, whether they are good or bad. Rainbows are for us all. So also, does he shower us with Maples and in the fall with their beautiful orange, golden and green leaves. The beautiful maple tree first demonstrates the glory and the beauty of creation. The noonday sun is not harsh to the Maple it just makes its hues more glorious and obvious to man who tries to go about his daily business, but just can't help noticing this wondrous display of glory. Like sunrises and sunsets, this demonstration of glory is brief, but long enough that it makes the person who contemplates the glory to suspect that standing behind nature is a loving and kind Creator who is generous and who gives this beauty with grace. After all, I do not have to act right in order to enjoy the beauty of maples. And so the Maples do a Harvest dance of beauty. Without moving their feet they show forth their glory by displaying and even sometime waving their glorious leaves (hey, look at me!) and then when the demonstration is over, the winds come and there is a windchime of softness as the leaves slip from the tree like guests slip away when a party is over. Each leaf letting go and gently dropping to the ground like a gentle rain until laying at our feet is a wonderful carpet of green, gold, orange, red and brown. The Maple is no respecter of persons. It blooms where it will, be it a mansion or in a trailer park. The glory of the maple transcends its surroundings and blooms for us all. The maple is a demonstration of the God's love and compassion for all. Look deeply, perhaps the maple has something to say to you. HarleyDad
WOW!! Welcome to Fall in the Four-States. Catch it quick! Oops, it is gone. Fall done fell.