Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Wild Ride

And so I was going to ride to Branson. I had checked the internet and it had indicated no rain.

Well, the internet lied! The ride began mid afternoon on Thursday. It was a hot, muggy 97 degrees outside. I was somewhat concerned about the heat. And so I set out.

Somewhere outside of Wentworth, Missouri, the storm hit me. Rain and small hail began to pelt me. There was a ratatattat as it hit against my helmet and a stinging as it hit my face and body. Well, the heat problem was solved. However, I quickly noted the differences between traveling by bike and travelling by car.

Finally, I pulled over under the drive through of a small Church of Christ. I noted ironically that I never had expected to find shelter or a covering by the Church of Christ; however so be it. I found modest shelter from the storms in my life. A welcome shelter it was too. I sat there watching it rain, hail, lightening and thunder like there was no tomorrow. Then there were the high winds also. Wow, had I picked a day to ride.

Finally, it began to slowly drizzle but there seemed to be no cessation of rain so I decided to ride through the rain which I did in about 5 to 8 miles. I had been prescient enough to bring a water tight bag with me and had my wallet, phone, and camera in it.

So the soaked hog began to ride again. The sun came out and soon thanks to the wind and the sun, I was dry again. And so I proceeded to Branson.

Sometimes the storms of life come. You have to wait them out and endure them. Fortunately, sometimes we can find shelter in the Church of Jesus Christ.

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