Sunday, August 28, 2005

Back from Delhi

Well, I am back from India. It will take some time to process the trip.

India is a land of extremes. While there, I saw extreme wealth and extreme poverty. I met an assortment of good and interesting people. I had a dinner where several Hindus, and a Sikh and two Christians discussed God and life.

There was an enjoyment in meeting hardworking people from different cultures.

In India there is a confluence of cultures, religious beliefs, foods, climates and people. After visiting in India, the truths of the Christian life, are more important than ever.

Hopefully some of the pictures I will post in the future may express my heart about India and its wonderful people. My words are inadequate and ineloquent.

My heart is in the beautiful Ozarks as it has been for a number of years. Although invigorated by the many wonderful differences and the exotic local, the heart is happy when it returns to its home.

I have come home.

Harley Dad came to one conclusion--I thought at one point that I knew what it was like to be poor. I did not. I was rich even when I thought of myself as poor. Now that is at least some improvement upon perspective.


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