Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Company Geese

Our Company has lakes-at least three of them. We also have geese which is somewhat like saying one has lice except that geese are harder to get rid of. They honk at you. They take over the parking lot. They poop on the doorstep and sidewalks. And we love them. They are the Company geese and they have privileges.

Run over one and you have big problems. You will probably have to apologize to the other geese (and I mean personally). Then there will be explanations that have to be given to Company officers et al. There will be filings that have to be made with the state wildlife authorities and who knows perhaps a report made to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Due to the fact that we have geese, we can not make jokes about giving people gooses and not even give a cooked Goose on Christmas. To do so, we believe would infringe upon their rights as geese and perhaps even to subject ourselves to tort liability due to the intentional infliction of emotional distress. We now have posted signs forbidding the telling of off color goose jokes or making other derogatory comments about the geese.

Further we now have put in our driving and parking areas "Goose Rideaway" signs to make sure that anti-goose employees do not take out their office rage or road rage on them.

In short geese pretty much reign supreme. We have discussed the possibility of allowing geese to be permitted to have pass cards allowing them to enter the building like the Peabody ducks that march into the Peabody hotel in Tennessee and have access to the fountains. This would be done by inserting a microchip into the wing of each goose.

Due to fact that our offices have carpets we are not considered to be a goose friendly corporation and are thinking about removing all carpeting and putting down tile flooring that is more goose friendly.

A minority group of our shareholders is very supportive of goose rights and want us to fund a microchip project allowing entry at will. That Group is placing a proposal before the company's shareholders and we have had to place their position in our proxy statement.

Further a number of us have been concerned that the geese be included in Ducks Unlimited. However others strongly feel that geese are not ducks and the whole proposal is foul in nature.

We often speak of the geese as being our geese. In reality the geese consider themselves to be a free and independent flock and keep referring to the company as being their company and our property as being their property.

Above are a few pictures of the lead goose. When they fly in V-formation, this guy (the Chief Goose Officer ("CGO") ) leads the pack and takes charge setting forth the goose positions on life at their company.

Above are pictures of the Chief Goose Officer.

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