Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Surfs Up for Shan Tora

Sometimes, small decisions lead to lots of fun and adventure. Shan Tora (Beautiful Tiger) accompanied HarleyDad and Brokerbelle (her older legally adopted parents) to Kauai, one of the beautiful islands that is part of Hawaii. Shan Tora is staying on the Hanalei Coast of Kauai and decides to learn to surf.

(The next two paragraphs should NOT be read by anyone under 40-just skip the two paragraphs and move on.)

Of course, all HarleyDad knows about surfing is that you can’t do it in Missouri which is landlocked in the U.S. Surfing is not big in the Ozark Mountains and it is too dry for surfing in Oklahoma and too flat in Kansas.

I immediately educated myself on the wonderful world of surfing by watching “Beach Blanket Bingo” with Annette Funicello, a former Mouseketeer and Frankie Avalon. Hey, it is not Shakespeare but surfing was in the movie and so was Annette ( a 60’s heartthrob) making this movie highly watched by teenage boys when it was produced in 1965 along with such other video delicacies such as “How to Stuff a Wild Bikini”.

Well time has moved on and so has surfing.

So Shan Tora takes some surf lessons from the Titus Kinimaka’s Hawaiian School of Surfing in Hanalei, Kauai. Titus is a native Hawaiian who is a world class professional surfer. So as Brokerbelle is on shore talking to Robin Kinimaka, Shan Tora is out taking some lessons and loving it. And behold she is quickly surfing. Pictures are shown above.

And that is when the stars came out. Shan Tora has some pictures of her taken by Aja at the School of Surfing who Shan Tora remembers seeing in “Living Lahaina” an MTV program. (Shan Tora apparently has an idetic memory but only when it comes to music, lyrics, MTV and anything that her parents want her to forget.)

Aja takes some pictures of Shan Tora surfing and he is a really cool surfer dude (or whatever surfer dudes are called these days). The pictures above are by HarleyDad but we will get some of Aja’s pictures posted later.

A picture of Aja and Shan Tora are above.

When Aja learns that Shan Tora is heading for the next island, Maui, he calls his friends from Living Lahaina and sets her up for some additional lessons from his friends from the show.

Well, how wonderful can this get, surfing lessons, MTV and some of the coolest dudes on the planet earth.

Pictures of Shan Tora and Aja and Shan Tora follow. Part 2 , Shan Tora surfs Maui follows as well.

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