Friday, September 08, 2006


We got a letter from Warrior and he is alive and well in Afghanistan. Keep Warrior in your prayers .

After getting his letter, his mother promptly prepared two boxes of goodies and his father sent him a letter with pictures.

It is clear that Warrior's parents can respond to modest stimuli from Warrior.

Warriors wife, the Beautiful Bridget, seems to have fallen into e-mail hell working on a third e-mail address since the other two do not work.

I have suspected that the Taliban control the internet (joke) and I also know that the enemy controls my office internet because the emphasis appears to be on keeping people from receiving e-mails as opposed to assisting them in internet communication (only kindofa joke).

Keep up the good work, Warrior. Don't drink the water and eat one of Brokerbelle's Twinkies during Rhamadan.


P.S. Warrior's work is so secret that the Army does not even know exactly what Warrior does.

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