Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Scales of Justice

Well HarleyDad stepped on the scales of justice and they broke. It seems that Brokerbelle and I have been living on the fat of the land. Now it is pay back time. The yang is too fat, and it is time for the ying to be skinny to balance our past dietary sins and excesses.

So we have embarked upon a well-known fad diet. The box of food arrived a few days ago. The first instruction was to eat the cardboard container that they were shipped in. No butter or salt on the cardboard. It provided a low cal meal and after a day of not eating was fairly nutritious if not tasty.

Then there are the powdered eggs. I guess I should not have worried. After all they say Military Surplus 1945. If they were good enough for our brave soldiers then they are good enough for Brokerbelle and myself.

There was a final indignity. It is called the "weigh-in." Brokerbelle and I stepped on those lying scales. They must be faulty to show such weight and we had not stepped on them for years.

I have put out a diet alert to my associates and most know not to bother me except with the most trivial of issues. Many of them are dieting too. I wonder if tension will go up in the work place. I noticed the snack bar is keeping their snacks longer.

More on the adventures of dieting later. Perhaps if I have surgery I could cut off part of me and send part of the U.S. and HarleyDad surplus to an undeveloped nation.

Well back to eating cardboard by candlelight.


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