Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Inspectors

I met with the 4 deers at the lake. They were my election inspectors. After the election they seemed to feel that everything was ok. There was one problem with the ballot. It was not tasty enough. And, of course, there was not enough of them. My response, was that if the inspectors would stop eating them, there might have been enough for all.

The inspectors, only burpped in response.

I asked them what would happen with the war on terror. They stated that they hated terror but were opposed to all guns, rifles, and bows and arrows that might interrupt their lives. They definitely were in favor of gun control and wanted hunting season limited to 1 a.m.-2 a.m. on December 24.

The mother just said that she wanted to raise her daughters in peace.

They were fairly strong on the environment and felt that global warming was a big issue.

They were were also strong proponents of "Pro-Life" despite not attending church regularly.

Strangely, they seemed relatively unconcerned as to whether Democrats or Republicans won. I presume my inspectors were independent. I suspect that they were really libertarian, but they would not openly admit to it.

Clean air, clean water, seemed to be what was important to them.

Pictures of my election inspectors are set forth above.


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