This picture was taken at Big Cedar near Branson, Missouri. The smoke lazily curls from the chimney in the early morning sun. The picture has been adjusted-but only slightly.
Thanksgiving. With a son returning from a tour in Afghanistan in one piece, we have much to be thankful for in this Thanksgiving Season. We are also thankful for the freedoms that we have in this country including freedom of press and freedom of religion. These freedoms are not free but are paid for in the blood of young women and young men that did not come home or who shed their blood for their country. But we also have numerous reasons for being thankful which surround us each day but which we often ignore.
Unconfirmed sights of Warrior have been rumored in the Leesville area. We are very proud of Warrior's efforts and the efforts of our other military men fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq in order to protect our country.
Warrior was a part of Task Force Warrior. The report from the November 21 edition of the Leesville Leader is set forth below:
FORT POLK - The 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division will honor approximately 150 Task Force Warrior Soldiers in a welcome home ceremony at noon at the Youth Services Gym, on Tuesday, Nov. 21, here.These Soldiers, who deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in February and March of 2006, are the first of over 1,000 returning home in the coming weeks.The ceremony will also serve to honor two TF Warrior Soldiers killed in action; Sgt. Robert P. Kassin and Staff Sgt. Robert J. Chimento.
The TF is formed around the 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment and augmented with 4/10 Soldiers from 5th Battalion, 25th Field Artillery Regiment; 94th Brigade Support Battalion and Brigade Special Troops Battalion.While in Afghanistan, the TF worked with Afghan National Security Forces, coalition allies and the Afghan people. Their mission in Zabul Province was to defeat the Taliban's ability to conduct effective offensive operations, promote economic development, and increase the government's capacities.The TF supported a multinational NATO brigade of Canadian, British, and Dutch troops, responsible for an area of more than 17,500 square kilometers - the size of Connecticut and New York.
Battalion-level TF operations included air assault raids and cordon-and search missions in several villages within the Zabul Province.Delta Company, 2-4, assisted a British task force in Helmand Province. Bravo Company supported Task Force Aegis, a Canadian-led task force, in Oruzgan Province, and a two-gun section of 105mm howitzers from 5-25 FA operated with the Coalition Joint Special Operations Task Force - Afghanistan in the same provincial area. Alpha Company participated in a NATO operation in Kandahar Province, and Echo Company, 94th Forward Support Battalion played a leading role in medical and veterinary outreach missions in nine Afghan villages. Engineering Soldiers helped rebuild Afghanistan's infrastructure, thereby enhancing Afghan governmental control in the region, and boosting local economic development.The ceremony is open to the public. Please come and support your troops.