Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ozarklandia Parking Hazards

HarleyDad used to work in the big city. The parking hazards were huge. You would park your car each day in a lot in the big city. At the end of the day you would try to remember what lot you had parked in. In addition sometimes you might park and you would go to find your car and all or a part of your car might be stolen.

The hazards of parking in Ozarlandia are more capable of being handled. Lately HD noticed that little cat feet prints were on the roof. However it must have been a whopping size cats. Also it looked as though the birds had dive bombed the car; but that is only par for the course in Ozarklandia.

However, Friday morning I looked out into the lot where I work and all questions were answered. See pictures above.

Mystery Solved!


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