The politicians are breathing a sigh of relief now that the Abdul Rahman has been given asylum in Italy. As you recall, Rahlman was the man from Afghanistan who was charged with being a Christian convert from Islam and threatened with the death penalty. Time Magazine believes that he is probably just an abusive dad and a troublemaker. After all, he had no job. Wait until they try to apply for a job in Afghanistan and fill out that they are a Christian on their employment application. Surely, they would not be discriminated against just because they were Christian. At any rate, it seems to raise questions to the editors and writers at Time as to why Rhaman was not a more productive member of Afghan society. Apparently , we are encountering a typical media reality drift. Bush, Rice and all the rest may now breath a sigh or relief. But the problem is not cured. There is no change in Afghanistan and no change in Islamic law. The only change is that a symptom went away. The symptom went to Italy. But everything remains the same. Members of the Afghanistan government are still resentful that Rahman is not being persecuted (ahem, I mean prosecuted.) Instead of changing, they are simply more resentful than ever that we are imposing our Western values on them. The Islamic law (sharia) still says that if you leave Islam, you are deserving of death. There is still no actual or practical freedom in Islamic countries. The immediate problem has gone away. It will return another day. The cancer of the lack of religious freedom is as malignant as ever and still grows.
In Iraq both Sunnis and Shiites are located in Bagdad
In Iraq, Sunnis are mainly in the North and Shiites are in the South.
Saudi Arabia is made up mostly of Sunni’s
The Taliban are Sunnis
Osama Ben Laden is a Sunni
Pakistan is Sunni (80% of its 150 million people are Sunni with 17% being Shiites)
Most Palestinians are Sunni
All Arab countries other than Iran and Bahrain are Sunni.
The Zarqari Group (al-Qaeda) is a fundamentalist Sunni Group. They do not regard Shiites as real Muslims. In addition moderate Sunnis that are not fundamentalist in their opinion are people who have given up the Islamic faith and also deserve to die.
The Shiites were persecuted by the Sunnis under Saddham
Iran is predominately Shiite. Remember Ayatollah Komeni (he was a Shiite ayatollah)
Lebanon has a large Shiite community. The Hezbollah Party in Lebanon is Shiite.
THE SPLIT The differences between Shiites and Sunnis appear at first blush to be confusing. This attempt is an effort to distinguish the two for the non-expert.
The Shiites believe that the successor to Muhammad should have been his son-in-law Ali. The term Shi-at means the "Party of Ali." Ali was the son of Abu Talib and became the husband of Muhammad’s daughter Fatima.
The Shiites believe that Ali was the successor to Muhammad. However, Ali was opposed by Aishah, Muhammad’s intelligent third wife. Ali was also opposed by Muawi-ya . Aisha’s father was Abu Bakr who became the first Caliph. Ali was later assassinated.
The Sunni’s believe in the traditions and laws of the Caliph’s instead of Ali.
THE IMMANATE Ali was the first Imam-meaning “leader.” Shiites followed the Imams and believe that the Imam was the leader of the Muslims (instead of the Caliphate) and the Imam had to be a direct descendent of Muhammed and Ali, the first Imam.
The Imam was sinless and infallible in connection with his pronouncements on dogma (sort of like the doctrine of papal infallibility.)
The twelfth Imam was Muhammad-al Munbazar (Sahit al-Zaman). It is believed that the 12th Imam did not die but was assumed. He will return at the end of the world to usher in a perfect Islamic Society (somewhat reminiscent of the Christian millennium.)
After the 12th Imam, divine insight was passed on to the ayatollahs who act as interpreters for the Shiite community.
DIFFERENCES IN LAW One of the difference in Shiites and Sunnis relates to the Shiite law or sharia. Shiites treat the “hadith” of Muhammad and the Imams as being equal in importance. “Hadith” refers to the sayings and doings of Muhammad.
In addition Shiites have different interpretations of certain verses of the Koran (Quran).
Sunnis, however, do note believe that the traditions and sayings of the Imams have any religious value.
MARTYRDOM AND PERSECUTION From the very beginning Shiites were persecuted. Ali was martyred. In addition Shiites celebrate during the Muslim month of Muram the festival of Ashura. This is a commemoration of the martyrdom of Hasayn (Hussein). Hussein was one of the Imams and was the grandson of Muhammad and Fatima. He was martyred by the Ummayad Dynasty (Sunnis).
Shiites have a strong sense of persecution and martyrdom.
Yesterday was a good day for photographs. The sun was out.
I took a couple of pictures of two geese standing so close together that they appear to be one goose with two heads.
Then I got some shots of the local turkeys. A few were in full feather. Although these shots are not particularly good, it was the first time I had seen turkeys displaying themselves. Hopefully someday I will get some better shots.
Last night had dinner with a wonderful couple. The man at one point was a well known criminal and drug dealer. He was converted in prison and now serves as a deacon in a local church. It is amazing what God can do. Amazing Grace-the words are so apt. All of us sin and do what we should not-but God loves us anyway and makes a way out of our human predicament.
The convert from Islam who is on trial in Afghanistan has a name. The latest report about what is going on can be found in the Reuters Release published by Yahoo News. His name is rarely used presumably because he is a non-person to the media. It is interesting that the "post-Christian" countries of Germany and Italy along with Canada have taken the lead in asking for Rahman's release. The U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has now weighed in by making a phone call to the Afghan President, Hamid Karzai. One possible solution that is being considered is to consider Rahman as being insane. Smacks of Russia in the Cold War declaring Christians as being mentally unfit and placing them in asylums for the mentally ill. In short the enlightened Islamic response is to declare a convert to Christianity as being insane. As an insane person they are to be pitied and treated rather than killed. Well a number of Christians are defending Afghanistan and Hamid Karzai and his government. They are doing their duty to God and country. So apparently Mr. Karzai is being defended by those considered to be worthy of death or who are insane.
Mr Rahman bounced around for a number of years looking for a country to live in before he was finally sent back to Afghanistan. I wonder if our government in the U.S. has thought about offering him political asylum. But I only hear a thunder of silence from Washington. I guess the problem is that Mr. Rahman is not an isolated example.
Stephen VonJett Task Force Warrior 2-4 INF HHC S-2 APO AE 09355
Warrior is now on duty in Southern Afghanistan. All joking aside, he is on serious business. Continue to pray for him and our other troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We take comfort that God cares for us. Scripture says that He knows the number of hairs on our head. Now as we get older, that may prove to be an easier task. However, He also knows the sparrows and not one of them falls without Him knowing about it. And after all, we are worth more than many sparrows, aren't we?
Apparently it does not much matter in which Islamic country you reside. Islam is not a tolerant religion. Here is a link about Kurds who become Christians. They become a menace to society. You can read the article by following this link.
Below is an article sent to me from a friend at my office:
Afghan man prosecuted for converting KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — An Afghan man who allegedly converted from Islam to Christianity is being prosecuted in a Kabul court and could be sentenced to death, a judge said Sunday.
The defendant, Abdul Rahman, was arrested last month after his family went to the police and accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada told Associated Press in an interview. Such a conversion would violate the country's Islamic laws. Rahman, who is believed to be 41, was charged with rejecting Islam when his trial started last week, the judge said.
During the hearing, the defendant allegedly confessed that he converted from Islam to Christianity 16 years ago when he was 25 and working as a medical aid worker for Afghan refugees in neighboring Pakistan, Mawlavezada said. Afghanistan's constitution is based on Shariah law, which states that any Muslim who rejects their religion should be sentenced to death.
"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam. ... The prosecutor is asking for the death penalty."
The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said the case was the first of its kind in Afghanistan. He said that he had offered to drop the charges if Rahman changed his religion back to Islam, but the defendant refused.
Mawlavezada said he would rule on the case within two months. Afghanistan is a deeply conservative society, and 99% of its 28 million people are Muslim. The rest are mainly Hindus. If in the U.S. Christians were to condemn a Christian who had converted to Islam to death we would be castigated as being bigots, narrow-minded and inquisitionists. The media would criticize our action and the world would react in horror. However the liberal media has a double standard. If the action is taken by Islam, then it is viewed as unfortunate but interpreted within their religious and cultural context. This is outrageous by any standard. HarleyDad has a Christian son fighting for both the U.S. and the Afghan government on Afghan soil. Yet I don't hear the Afghan government asking that our Christians troops not be there to fight. And so there is another double standard. In short, all this evidences that in essence it is a religious war not a political or terrorist situation. It is OK in the U.S. for Islam to convert Christians to their faith; however in these other Islamic countries the converse is not true--Christians can not convert members of Islam to Christianity. The human and religious rights of the Islamic countries make the human rights position of China look benign by comparison. My, it sure seems quiet out there. What happened to our courageous media? HarleyDad
Sunday, March 19, 2006
From up here I can see the whole world.
So much for those little cat feet prints.
And just who do you think you are?
I, Goose, hereby claim this car for the Goose Kingdom!
HarleyDad used to work in the big city. The parking hazards were huge. You would park your car each day in a lot in the big city. At the end of the day you would try to remember what lot you had parked in. In addition sometimes you might park and you would go to find your car and all or a part of your car might be stolen.
The hazards of parking in Ozarlandia are more capable of being handled. Lately HD noticed that little cat feet prints were on the roof. However it must have been a whopping size cats. Also it looked as though the birds had dive bombed the car; but that is only par for the course in Ozarklandia.
However, Friday morning I looked out into the lot where I work and all questions were answered. See pictures above.
Last week one of the women of Ozarklandia brought to the office a gift for some friends of theirs. In as much as the gift was a most imaginative gift, HD asked to have a picture or two of the gift which are set forth above. It seems that the husband of the lady bringing the gift engages in Taxidermy.
The gift brought many a snicker from the ladies in the office. Some of the men were not amused.
There is certainly a lesson in the gift. "It ain't what you got but what you keep that is important."
Below is a link to a Yahoo News Story regarding the ferocious assault threatened by Mullah Mohammad Omar against the 18000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Evidently when Spring comes and the passes melt it is time for war again in Afghanistan. Please keep Warrior and the other U.S. troops in your prayers.
If you send a package to Warrior, do not place rank on the package. Also do not send goods that spoil in less than 20 days due to the slowness of the mail. Gee I wonder if you can Fed-X to small towns in Afghanistan. Probably not. Evidently you must go through APO ("Army Post Office.")
Stephen (a.k.a. "Warrior") has finally made it to Afghanistan. He is currently in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He says that it is interesting place and is somewhat like the Old West in that both good guys and bad guys walk around with their six guns stapped on and loaded. He also says that the Afghan territory reminds him of the West. Warrior always like the desert and thought it to have a stark beauty. More info later. Information regarding Warrior's activities will always be delayed and place names may be changed to protect the "Good Guys." Warrior's Father and Grandfather are somewhat envious of Warrior's Adventure. Warrior's Grandfather has counseled him to be careful but courageous. Warrior's wife has done a great job in keeping all informed. H.D.
Dick Bento of Hawaii Baptist Academy prent the Eagle to Mom and Dad for $100,000 giving over the years.
Mom and Dad. Dad is an officer in Glider Corp and Mom is Pregnant with a little HarleyDad
Mom and Dad renew vows in Hawaii with Father Jimmy. It is about time that they finally got the vows right.
Seriously, they finally got the bird. The bird is an eagle and it is bronze. Now, I have pretty wonderful parents who are special and whose lives have been blessed by God. We are taught by our faith that we keep what we give away. And they have laid up treasures in heaven through their generous giving over the years. Dad was born in 1920 and Mom in 1922. They have been faithful supporters of Hawaii Baptist Academy in Honolulu, Hawaii and go there once a year to support the school and have served on the HBA Mainland Advisory Council. HBA is a Baptist School in Hawaii that educates children and in the process many come to Christ along with their families. Each year my parents go and tell the family that they are really too old to go and this is their last trip. Well, after 5 or 6 years of hearing this, I don't get too worried any more about them not going. One of the pictures above is a picture of Dick Bento, President of Hawaii Baptist Academy presenting my parents with an Eagle (HBA's mascot is an eagle) for giving over $100,000.00 to the school. Mom and Dad wrote to us kidding about where our inheritance had gone. Well, all I can say is they left us a richer heritage about generosity, faithfulness, integrity and have demonstrated a good example of being a follower of Christ. I hate to tell HBA but we got the better deal.
This is the way I am going to hit you says Princessbelle. Just kidding. Addi and some friends.
8 Kata Competitors
Princessbelle does kata.
Princessbelle wins fighting beating out 6 boys and one girl.
Princessbelle with friend Jessica before they have to fight.