Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Child's Prayer

I still remember the prayer I was taught as a child many years ago:

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
And if I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Wow! That does not seem like a very modern prayer. This was the prayer of people who had come through World War II, a blood- thirsty time when you were lucky to make it through the night in many places of the world. I wonder what a prayer would be for a modern child.

Imagine your focus as you pray this prayer. "I hope I make it through the night."

On the other hand, children were safer when I was a child. Boys and girls went out on Halloween trick or treating and most of us did it without our parents.

Times have changed. However, the forces of good and evil have battled throughout the ages, and our children are always in need of prayer.

We pray for for children daily even those who have grown up and who have left home as well as those who have not.

Pray for our Children! Protect our Children!

The indicia of our civilization is that we are judged on how we protect the weak and defenseless. Our country is not measuring up very well right now.

Pray for our Country and its Leaders that we will be mindful of protecting our children and our helpless ones, all of them.


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