Saturday, March 17, 2007

ImpPrince Takes Branson by Storm

Yes, it is true that the ImpPrince performed an opening act for the Baldknobbers, a country music and comedy show, in Branson.

And of course ImpQueen and Mr. Monarch, the proud progenitors of the young prince, were there to see the young prince perform. Did I mention that they sat in the Royal Box reserved for royalty. It was somewhat like a gilded outhouse.

And of course, Brokerbelle and HarleyDad were there as well, as was the lovely and lithe, Shan Torah. We were all delighted that Shan Tora, had recovered from the flu otherwise those underneath the box might have had an unwelcome surprise.

You can see the Pictures by HD on the "Everything Branson" blog which is linked below. HD serves as the royal photographer.

You can read about the Baldknobbers by going to

Did I mention that the young prince was with his gradeschool?

Did I mention that the young prince is humble and modest and was on the third row as a result.

Did I mention that shooting a camera at the ImpPrince was somewhat akin to shooting at the head of a turkey poking out behind a tree?

Nonetheless, his young highness did an excellent job. The Queenmother swooned. Brokerbelle hummed in appreciation and Mr. Monarch and HarleyDad beamed with appreciation.

Shan Tora wondered how she had ever been talked into a country music show and Christmasbelle (who the young prince calls Terrabelle managed to escape by claiming that she had a little theatre soprano special to do and so she cleverly missed it all together.

Prior to the Grand Branson production a veritable feast was had at Lone Star complete with jugglers, dancing bears and other assorted entertainment and climaxed with a delivery of silverwear after the waiter noticed that the royal family was eating with their hands.

A Great time was had by all.


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