Saturday, September 24, 2005

More on Princessbelle

Princessbelle met with the physician/surgeon on Friday morning. Some improvement noticed in the areas of skin affected. I went into the office about 5 a.m. and then to medical appointment at 11 a.m. Poison oak was in the blood system and I was given medication.

Took a half day off and went to Branson. We took Princessbelle (after consulting with her and Brokerbelle) and fixed her a bed in the back and drove easy to Branson. After two weeks confined to the house through the tonsils removal, new fever and triple brown recluse bites or spreading infection from surgery Princessbelle and Brokerbelle were ready to get some fresh air.

At Branson I went out for a three hour boat ride as Brokerbelle and Princessbelle rested at the Condo. I went down the White River and then there was a beautiful sunset that we all got to see. I am posting a couple of pictures on out Branson Blog and would encourage you to link to it. You can do a direct link by clicking on here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch for lane closures on I-90 tomorrow
Interstate 90 will be reduced to one eastbound lane Saturday between Argonne and University.
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