Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Spring in Ozarklandia

It is Spring in Ozarklandia.

Oh, City Dweller look with awe and envy.

Here in Ozarklandia it has been raining some. But then the sun comes out with a promise of hope and beauty to come.

The Red Bud is here and the Dogwood is just coming out.

I have travelled all over the world and am convinced that there is no place like home (the lakes and mountains of Switzerland however are pretty nice as are the beaches of Hawaii.)

Nonetheless, my heart is in Ozarklandia. I love it here and believe it to be a beautiful and wonderful place. My heart is rooted in the stoney soil of this area.

I hope you enjoy the pictures above.

The hand of God is still on this world and He makes beautiful sunsets, trees and flowers for those of us who take the time to see it. I am taking more time and I am seeing the handiwork of God. For too long, I was too serious and to taken with the cares and worries of life.

One of the pictures is of a gate. I have shown this gate before. It is a black wrought iron gate. But when the sun hits it it turns silver and gold. Our lives and hearts are much like this. We have wrought iron hearts, often stoney as the soil of Ozarklandia. But when the glory of God shines upon us, we light up like gold.

Harley Dad

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