Monday, April 18, 2005


It was a busy weekend. On Friday evening we went to Branson. On Saturday we went to Harrisonville, Ark. then down Scenic 7 to Russelville, Ark. Princessbelle had a Karate Tournament. There were competitors there from Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas and Texas.

Instead of tropheys, the awards were Chinese eggs. Princessbelle got second in Kumite but she did well in both Kata and Kumite. As is often the case, Princessbelle was the only girl in her group and had to beat out some boys. Way to go, Princessbelle!! Then I had to explain to her why boys get so upset when they get beat.

On Sunday, we headed to Outer Ozarklandia High School of Learning to see the granddaughter get inducted into the Honor Society.

Now after umpteen years and four kids I can now get either a Bumper Sticker that brags "My Prize Pig is an Honor Student at Ozarklandia High School" or "Don't you wish you had a granddaugher that is beautiful and smart as mine". Hmm, which one shall I choose! And until now I did not even like bumper stickers.

Also I have selected a couple of the great pictures I took. I hope you like them! Mr. Monarch has a new camera (He shoots like a butterfly but his pictures sting like a bee). It takes 6 megapixel pictures and has a strobe that allows him to shoot in the dark from across the auditiorium. I admitted that I had camera envy. On the other hand it is so large that I would have to add a trailer behind my Harley in order to carry it.

On Wednesday we head for Big D, then Brokerbelle and Princess go to Bearland, then off to see the Grand Patriarch and Grand Matriarch. We also expect to see Sprarky and Bride and get the latest secrets on 99 ways to do a souffle while offing a terrorist by telling redneck jokes. Sparky has promised to show Princessbelle a few ways to deal with terrorists, karate competitors or parents, the military way. I am not too sure I am going to like this!


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