Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Great Car Wreck

Most automobile accidents occur close to home.

That is certainly true in the case of HarleyDad.

One of our biggest automobile accidents occured one year in our driveway. The ImpQueen was the star of the show. The ImpQueen had been driving for about a year. That year there was a very handsome exchange student from Germany, Klaus. You know how it is. A handsome young man with an accent is always some type of catalyst for the biological instinct. The biological instinct constantly seeks out wider and wider gene pools in order for the species to survive.

It is not that a foreign student need to say anything intelligent-but only that they speak with a strange accent that causes the libido to begin to flow. It is much like preachers from Scotland. They need not say anything particularly spiritual or profound-all they have to do is be outside of Scotland and open their mouths. Because of the wonderful accent, everything they say seems to be moving, spiritual and profound. The instinct takes over. Likewise, for males, any lady that speaks with a French accent seems more sexy than the very same thing spoken by the hometown girl. Exotic is in, local is out. Even Jesus said that prophets are not listened to in their own home towns.

Well, ImpQueen had been mesmerized by the German accent of this handsome young exchange student. Out of the goodness of her heart she had decided to show Klaus around the wonders of Ozarklandia. ImpQueen always had a charitable heart.

Well, at this point we have three good working cars. There is Impqueen's Toyota, the family Toyota and the stationwagon sitting in the drive way. ImpQueen's instrument of destruction (oops, I mean auto) is sitting in the front position of the driveway on the right. The other Toyota is on her left and behind it is the stationwagon. All ImpQueen has to do is back out of the driveway.

ImpQueen and Klaus jump into her Toyota and ImpQueen cranks up the radio-after all good movin' needs tunes.

She then goes down the path of destruction. She sideswipes the other Toyota on her left and because the music is loud does not hear the crash. Being a young lady of great perseverance, she then she takes out the stationwagon behind.

Finally ImpQueen and Klaus come to rest at the end of the driveway having wiped out all of our moving assets.

Brokerbelle and HarleyDad look on in horror as they see three crashed vehicles in the ir driveway, all of them belonging to Brokerbelle and HarleyDad.

Wow, will this ever take some explaining to the Insurance Company.

Another romance has been busted up by the American Auto and the radio.
The Gene Pool will be denied today!! Instead it will be the car pool.

Another true auto tale by



impletqueen said...

All i can say in my own defense was that Klaus was really, really hot. And that my parents were smart enough to just send us off dancing in whatever car was least damaged so I wouldn't be there while they called me names. Which, in retrospect, was pretty nice of them.

I would like to take this time to note that I have never, ever, wrecked a boat. A-HEM.

Harley Dad said...

Did I neglect to mention that the ImpQueen was not watching her driving because she was watching Klaus.
Despite all this, ImpQueen was all in all a pretty neat teenager. Later I will write about the adventures of driving with ImpQueen and her good friend Dawn's Early Light.

HarleyDad the Magnificent

Harley Dad said...


I can assure you that I do not have bloggers block. I am HarleyDad, this is my blog, and I have something to say.